If someone in your fire team has a 139 descipline HOTPF it was Xurned. Also be weary when Xur sells upgrades with higher discipline on HOTPF as these dirty Xurners may try to hide what they are. I will edit whenever Xur sells the upgrade so you will all know who is a dirty Xurner and who [b]earned[/b] there HOTPF.
Edit: Lol 400 replies
[spoiler]Many seem to miss the #bait tag. The people who try to justify buying items from Xur and making huge posts make me laugh the most. Shows how ignorant the people in these forums are at times.[/spoiler]
May 1,2015
Xur is selling a 135 descipline HOTPF.
Meh, after over a month of play time, 3 32s of each class, grinding out 2850 Grimoire, having all exotic weapons, having all raid armor and weapons, having all cheevos in the game (including flawless) and nearly every exotic armor piece in the game (missing two), I think I deserve anything that Xûr owns that I don't yet own. [spoiler]:)[/spoiler]