originally posted in:DoD The Unknown Ps3
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In the last few days I succumbed to the inevitable and bought a PS4, hopefully I'll have it on-line for play this weekend. I've also kept my PS3 because this group is truly one of the most fun I've been involved with and I want to keep this going. But it's only a matter of time before I'll have to transition completely over. I've been talking with a few of the folks who have already, or are making the move as I am and we are looking at recreating what we have here on the PS4. The consensus is that we should create a new clan, hopefully under the DoD banner for folks who move over from the Unknown. I'm going to get with the DoD admins to see how we can do that but it would be helpful to know approximately how many we will have to get started. So, add your name to this list if you have a PS4 and would like to get in on this. If you have others who you play with that fit well with the group include their names as well, as long as they are ready to join in.
1. theSTOOPIDnoob
2. JBriggs71
3. Deadpool_Shoota
4. Kaprikorn80
5. lucentdeath
6. Wilco1975
7. mike_iz_dart
8. FantasyFrog
9. yourblindspot
10. Nolanism
11. JohnQBucky
12. monark
13. Rouge_Bishop
14. pwstr007
Did nightfalls with Kap and Deadpool last night -- Noob please make sure I'm on this list. Like you guys alluded to below, it may be best to try and merge this group with ascendants so that there is a larger pool of known accomplices to draw from. It's happened with a lot of PS4 clans from what I can tell -- Charlie and Foxtrot essentially merged; Knights and Harbingers did the same. As more people move on to other games, the active members of those clans shrinks, so in order to continue to find people online to play with clan lines get blurred. On that note, the Charlie/Foxtrot guys use a LINE mobile app (Like the PS3 Beyond group does) for their LFG, and it works pretty well. Their LFG raid signup method is very effective for scheduling raids/NF/crucible in a few hours, or the occassional "as soon as we get 6". If anyone on PS4 is interested, let me know and I'll invite you. PS - Deadpool that spot in the back for Cerberus worked great for the other two NF. With one or two people in the front under the stairs, and one in the back, someone always has a shot at Rockets McD***face's head. That fight goes so much faster that way. And it's awesome how the rockets never hit you back there. Although I had a Psion Operant chase me all the way to the crates on my last weekly run....that part sucked. :-)