So if Christians don't believe in Evolution which is science. Does that mean they don't believe in gravity? Do they believe god pulls them down back to earth?
Other then this being ripped off family guy completely/unoriginal. Gravity can be tested immediately to confirm the law. Evolution is not so easily tested. Most commonly tests are done on fruit flys and bacteria. This still takes awhile and the evidence that supports micro evolution is not 100% conclusive. I'm not saying there's no evidence for it, am saying gravity you can confirm 100 percent, evolution you can't, at least not at this time.
Creationists. Not Crtionitions.
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Edited by Another_numenor_: 4/8/2015 11:04:52 PMChriatians are form djejshsbsbaba
Edited by JTryb: 4/8/2015 10:56:47 PM[quote]chriatians[/quote] Sides have just moved to Kekoslavikia