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Edited by The Monarchy: 9/5/2015 10:34:59 PM

LionHeart (RP)

[u][b]Status: OPEN[/b][/u] [i]"There is no higher power than one's own imagination, save for their will. If you desire something, you can imagine it. If you imagine something, you can find ways to make it a reality. It's that strength found within yourself and yourself alone that will give you purpose. In the world, life is always starting and ending, but purpose, unfortunately can rarely be found. Give yourself a voice and a pen: you are the protagonist of your own story. So get the girl or save the day. Make people feel wonderful or cast them down. Do whatever it takes to make your story one that people will enjoy until the end of time: you only have one chance to write it well. Be a hero. Be a LionHeart." [/i] [b][u]Origins:[/u][/b] [spoiler][quote]In terms of story origins, LionHeart RP is loosely based on a novel I am writing. I'll include a link to the rough drafts I post for suggestions when I can. The finished product will posted on WattPad, chapter by chapter. Feel free to give me suggestions, comments, questions, etc.: my WattPad name is TheTrueMarauder.[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Land:[/u][/b] [spoiler]There are three cities that make up the entirety of Taeda Vale: Cataluna, New Raleigh, and Perth Hampston. [quote]Cataluna:[/quote] [quote]New Raleigh:[/quote] [quote]Perth Hampston:[/quote][/spoiler] [u][b]Progression:[/b][/u] [spoiler]This is where you will find the current status and events of Taeda Vale, such as Plot/User character relations, boss statuses, and other important notices.[/spoiler] [u][b]Factions:[/b][/u] [spoiler]This is where you can check the status and mission statements of all factions within LionHeart. There are three base factions that intertwine with the plot: The Monarchy, The Insurrection, and The Residence. Users can create their own division within a faction, so long as they meet requirements. [quote]Current Factions:[/quote] [quote]Division Creation Tutorial:[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Biographies:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is where you will find information regarding the main characters of this story. Links to their biographies and images will be posted in due time. [quote]User Characters (That's you!):[/quote] [quote]Monarchy Characters:[/quote] [quote]Insurrection Characters:[/quote] [quote]Residence Characters:[/quote][/spoiler] [b][u]Map:[/u][/b] [spoiler]This is where you can check the thread's world map for geography references, points of interest, and current influences over the three main regions. [quote]Map:[/quote] [quote]Current faction influences: Cataluna - TBD New Raleigh - TBD Perth Hampston - TBD[/quote][/spoiler] [b]Rules are the same as any other thread. You get what you put into this, and sometimes, that may not be enough. This land will be forever changed by your actions, so be wary of what you do or say. Welcome to Taeda Vale: Valley of the torch.[/b]
#LionHeart #fexil

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  • Edited by The Monarchy: 7/21/2015 8:53:37 PM
    [b][u]The Distance Between | Main Gate, Perth Hampton[/u][/b] [i]The shrouded man bursts through the double doors along with several other hunters who decided to run. He had no time to look behind him; there was nothing of benefit. Shrill screams of terror and pain stung at his ears. They may not have been innocent, and they might've been just trying to save themselves, but they were still people. Down the marble stairs to the entrance of the gravity well that leads to the grounded city, the man dashes along the side of the retaining wall, ejecting off of the floating island into the void space. He could still hear the voice of evil behind him: "There! Kill him!" He pivoted on his foot from the ejection, rolling in the air so that his body faced the sky. His right arm, from underneath the cloak, shifts in mechanical whirrs and clicks. As he begins to fall, the cloak rides the wind up his gauntlet, revealing a railgun-like weapon formed from his armor, charging. The dual alkaline rails click into a forward swept position, and fire a white hot projectile towards the pursuing Guardsmen. As the explosion rocks the island in the sky to and fro, the smoke and debris mask his escape, leaving the Guardsmen and the Aegis dumbstruck. "What the actual f*ck is that guy's problem!?" "Another marauder... This is news enough. I don't have time for petty delays, however. Find him. And bring me his head." The guards in unison shout "Yes Milady!" as they retrace their way into the Pantheon, unable to descend the shattered gravity well. Two court knights jump from the land above to intercept. Almost instantly, the second of the royal paiges is blown to smitherines from yet another supercollider shot. The trail of smoke leads from the front gates of Perth. Several distinct hunters manage to reach the gates without interference, but the explosion unorthodoxly relays the gist: the princess is in trouble. Renegade hunters eye the magnificent fireball as well, and quickly dispatch the guards by the gate. Free at last, they make one final dash out of the city, but not before the final Court Knight vaults over them all, stopping them at the gates with a mighty swing from its greatsword. Those who were smart (and lucky) enough to duck have no alternative, but to destroy the ironclad titan before they are caught by the Guardsmen...[/i] ----- [i]"You were given a choice to make. There are no second thoughts."[/i] [b][u]Boss Fight:[/u] Court Knight, Paige to the Aegis[/b] [SLAUGHTERED] FINAL HIT: The Duskwalker [spoiler]Alright guys, this is the Pilot for the new boss fight design. As in tradition, it will play out as a duel between your character and me playing as the boss. The Stagger Health Bar will be a realtime indicator of how the boss is faring, while specific callouts made by me will determine the actions taken and abilities used by said boss. Since this is the first time, this boss will have no abilities, no features mid-fight, and will have a 5-unit health bar. Normal attacks will only serve to rack up post numbers: If you want to deal damage, you need to outwit and outplay me. If all the characters die, the fight will restart in a different post, so don't f*ck up. Good luck, warriors. See you in the Epilogue.[/spoiler]

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    • *walks around playing sarias song*

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    • Edited by Sylok's Defiler: 7/21/2015 2:33:00 AM
      [b][u]The Distance Between | The Royal Court, Isla Deus[/u][/b] [spoiler][i]As the hunters and mercenaries ascend the cerulean well, they look over the hills and folds of Taeda Vale. The gorgeous canyons, the lush forests; it is breathtaking. The Warriors fly and land onto the levitating rock that serves as the Capitol of the land. An ivory pantheon with two separate buildings at its flanks shimmer under the sun, perpendicular to the fountain in it's courtyard. Paladins and Aegises corral the invited into the central hall, lavishly decorated with wonders of architecture and material fabrics as rare as miracles. Inside, a court advisor steps up next to the empty throne. "Attention! May I have your attention, please. Our Princess will return from her errands to discuss this contract, but in the meantime, enjoy yourselves! Grab some food, talk to your new coworkers; we will return shortly."[/i] [b]Task Complete[/b][/spoiler] [spoiler][i]The masses settle down as the lights in the pantheon dim. The overweight advisor who previously addressed the crowds returns to the empty throne: "Ladies and gentlemen, Warriors and assassins; you have been so patient with us while we waited for Lady Hartwick to return to the Castle. And you have waited long enough!" He raises his arm to openly welcome the mysterious princess of the valley. From the double doors leading in, two Aegises escort a youthful lady with an unparalleled beauty down the velvet carpet. Each step she takes echoes lightly in the pantheon, as she approaches her throne. From the seat of power, she turns to her captivated audience, lifting the veil to reveal her bright Amber eyes. "Thank you, all, my compatriots and followers. Welcome to the Capital of Taeda Vale. It is in this great land that we hope to prosper and germinate, to embed ourselves into foreign lands and make peace with their inhabitants. This is our goal, but like many, it is threatened by terrorists and blasphemers who would take pleasure and pride in watching us fall. As I speak to you, the details of your target are being sent to what forms of technology you have in your possession. Little is known of this man, but I can assure you that he is much more dangerous and unstable than anything you have faced. I promise you all one wish within my power to be granted to you, should you capture him alive. His name is Felix Ireton. And he must be brought to justice." The hunters in the masses begin to mutter and whisper. Many revel in the opportunity, but some are fearful. All sorts of conversations arise.[/i] [b]Task Complete[/b][/spoiler] [i]The pads are returned to the steel Knights who distributed them, who in turn whisper to an attentive princess. She whispers back, and the knight exits from behind the throne. "Wonderful! It would seems we have all in attendance ready for the hunt. Felix has been located somewhere within the valley: we know he has not left the land, but we are confident that..." Her voice trails off as footsteps break her speech. The shrouded man steps through the crowd, dividing them from the middle of the floor. He holds a data pad, the NO button highlighted on the screen. "Ya missed one. I made sure to show you the NO I selected. Wouldn't want you forging my vote." The princess, perplexed by the voice in the cowl, and obviously shocked, stares with a certain curiosity. "Well well, why exactly would you want to decline such a generous offer?" "Because the man you seek ain't a man. He's a monster, more so than the likes of you." "And who, insolent fool, do you think you are to challenge MY authority in MY kingdom?!" Though the cowl conceals his expression, an airy, jolly sigh escapes his nostrils. If he had a visible mouth, he'd be smirking. "I am Sebastian Varcoe. I'm the real Marauder, motherf*cker." In an instant, a blinding flash of orange light beams the through the room, disorienting the Knights and the Guardsmen, who appeared during his final sentence. In an address to all who declined the offer, or those who want to discover the truth, he shouts: "RUN!"[/i] [b]Directives: -Escape![/b] [spoiler]Make a post of how you manage to escape the Capitol to the front gates of the city. The Knights and guardsmen will be after you, and will try and stop you, so make it epic![/spoiler]

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      • [b][i]Chapter 8 Prologue for Rivers of Blood[/i][/b] [b][i][u]This is a one of a kind activity for RP. It is a web of connected posts with multiple endings.[/u][/i][/b] [i]For those of you who never did the Chapter 7 Finale, or those that wish to do it all again, start here:[/i] [spoiler][/spoiler] [i]For those of you that completed chapter 7 finale and are ready for chapter 8 Prologue, start here:[/i] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i]I bet my bottom dollar you will probably get lost in the maze of posts... Fear not, that's what I designed it for. It will not be easy. If you get lost or have questions or find something wrong, message me or comment below. Feel free to post your reactions as you go along, I look forward to your feedback. [u]You are not finished until you complete the boss encounter at the end.[/u][/i][/b]

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      • *poofs up and looks around*

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        10 Replies
        • [I]Wanders in a forest, on horseback, near Cataluna (what is known as Waxis), and is trying to reach Perth Hampton, but is completely and utterly lost. Flips holo map upside down.[/I] This is complete....*flips it back*...BULLSHIT!!!! Another faulty map?!?!?!

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          • Xalix was on a Cliffside..though he knew he would be hunted by the Imperium he had to hide out here..for now. He stabbed swords of enemies onto the Cliffside,marking it.

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            • Doing Trials and need two people I'm a level 34 Warlock with ghally Message me for an invite Gt is the same

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            • [spoiler]Can I just join in now, even though it's in the middle of something?[/spoiler]

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            • [b][u]The Distance Between | Cliffhold, Perth Hampston[/u][/b] [i]On a bench by the stone tenements, the shrouded man ponders a metal rod in the palm of his hand, no larger than a pen, but as thick as a quarter. It's point is marred by scorch marks, the chamfered edges on its rear chipped. His thoughts are interrupted by a chorale of disciplined, yet dogmatic footsteps: what looks to be an army of weary men and weeping women, bound by chains, being paraded through the city. Even children, freighted by the collars that connect them to their siblings and parents march along the cobblestone road. "Move faster, you dogs!" The captain on a horse shouts to make haste. Even his face matches the horrified folk on the sidewalk. Shameful, disgraceful! But they watch silently, unwilling to offer them even a drink to quench their parched lips. The man grunts, but when he stands, he walks to a herald, the opposite direction of the marching slaves. "A new decree! By order of the Princess herself: Any and all warriors of a high caliber are encouraged to meet within the Royal Court to discuss the capture of a Traitor! Riches and power for those who desire! Enter the gates and claim your share!" The Traitor has been found. The shrouded man knows what they want with him, but not where he lies.[/i] "Where have you gone, oh friend of mine? Where have you gone indeed...?" [i]He slowly trudges along the path to Isla Deus, humming his rhyme. If any are interested in taking the traitor, they'll be up against more than just him.[/i] "...So long, so long, oh friend of mine: Come back when you are in need." [b]Quest: Start[/b]

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              • [spoiler]>-> <-<[/spoiler]

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                • Edited by Ex PI: 7/20/2015 5:06:08 PM
                  As the slave convoy passes, a ragtag band of fifty soldiers enter through the gates, bearing General Burke, badly wounded, on one of their few horses. The shell-shocked lieutenant leading the group stutters in his speech as he is interrogated by the Royal Guard at the gate. "W-we thought they were dead! There was only a hundred of them left! G-G-General B-Burke... he smashed Sauron's SKULL! We shot the prisoners! And then..." "They all got back up. It's like the bullets passed through them! There were eighty-four of us left, and they stood back up!" "Who got back up, Lieutenant?" "A-All of them sir. The 100 prisoners and Sauron both. We're the only ones left. Just us fifty." "And you expect me to believe he and his 100 men killed thirty-two of our best trained and altered men?" "Well, sir, if anyone else shows up, then you can shoot me. But nobody else got out alive." "Alright then, son. But what about Sauron? Can we still bring him down?" "Gone, sir. We grabbed the general and got out of there, and we turned around to look and they were gone. Nothing left but bodies rotting in the sun." [spoiler]Going AFK cause I need to sleep.[/spoiler]

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                  • Gary

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                    • Edited by Ex PI: 7/19/2015 10:31:35 PM
                      [b] [/b]

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                    • [spoiler]so are we gonna finish up this battle or what[/spoiler]

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                    • [i]An encrypted transmission is sent to the Princess. Respond?[/i]

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                    • The Kriegan troops fight to a man, stabbing and cursing and firing as their new-made Fogbound allies tear through the Monarchy invaders.

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                      • [b]The Princess calls the Guardsmen into her court. [/b] "My followers, I greet you with good news. We have found something lost to us for a long long time." "We found more supplies? Seems to be the only good stuff we've ever found." "Oh! We've found Sauron's base!" "We found a...nother place to DUEL!" "We Found another place to put Merihem's cold and bloodied corpse." "More test subjects?" "Felix?" "SILENCE! No, we haven't found those menial-- Wait... What did you say Hecate?" "I monitor ALL the work of MY assassins. Four days ago we picked up on Felix's trail." "Did we now?" "Payback time." "I-I'm sorry, so this ISN'T about another dueling arena?" [b]The Princess stands from the ivory throne.[/b] "Yes. The traitor has been found. Call forth any and all warriors and hunters who know how to track down prey. We will find him soon enough." "At once, Milady."

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                      • [b]The Expedition and it's leader, Siris Burke charge into the outpost and shantytowns inhabited by the old militia and remnants of Perth Varcoe. The forces fail to repel the army, mistaking them for another run-of-the-mill battalion, and are quickly overwhelmed.[/b]

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                        • *I approach the gates, my rifle missing, but my swords in their place*

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                          • -_- llllllllllllllllllll what the crap is this junk

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                            • The Crusaders halt their offensive and begin to build a massive trenchline, reinforced by artillery emplacements and massive hospital bunkers. The 8th Bipedal retreats, its job done.

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                            • Crusader forces along the now-quiet frontline reel under a sudden and unending assault by a combined Stratos and Monarchy force. The civilian population of Old Perth are moved to the underground city beneath Altoberenfestung and a counter attack is launched, led by the Perthian 8th Bipedal Armored Division and their 4th Battalion, whose [i]Liberty-Prime[/i] class mechs lead the charge against overwhelming Monarchy forces.

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                              • Aw, shucks. Folks, it looks like Stratos here broke the doomsday rules! Isn't that disappointing? I personally think we should do something about that, don't you?

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                                • Edited by Stratos: 7/18/2015 3:58:56 AM
                                  [spoiler]*Dozens upon dozens of warp portals begin construction, while hundreds of warp capable ships flood the airspace.* *Upon the portals' completion, mere hours after their begin, hundreds of more ships appear, heavily armed to the point where warp flight is impossible due to their sheer enormity.* *The sun is blotted out by the swarm of ships, plunging the planet into an eternal night time, with the stars in the sky now only being sunlight leaking through the scarce few gaps between the massive vessels of the Stratos Collective* *Massive feed pylons are fed through the constructed warp portals, which form artificial rings around the planet. These rings remove the planet from orbit and leave it stationary in relation to the solar system's star. However, Their true purpose is to control the planets innate electromagnetic field generated by its gentle spin.* Spoiler-ized because it's long and not relevant[/spoiler]

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                                  • Edited by Stratos: 7/18/2015 3:01:58 AM
                                    [b][u]The Stratos Collective, outraged by the sheer disregard of their orders onto the 'Old Perth' insurrectionist forces, declare unbridled war against the armies led by [i]Sauron145[/i].[/u][/b] *A single voice recorded message plays upon the robotic messages end* [quote] [i]May your death be agonizing...[/i] [/quote]

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