Have you ever seen an aggressive, sexist, sports-obsessed (why is this a bad thing?), misogynistic 'manly man'?
And I mean in person. And, if so, do you know for sure that they are misogynistic and sexist? Or is that an assumption based off of a stereotype.
But, here is the more pressing question; why do you care about these people? You need to understand, these people are macho, not masculine.
The two are not necessarily one and the same. A masculine man is proud, strong and a leader. He leads the leaderless and doesn't prey on the weak. He stands by his convictions and takes responsibility for his actions.
A macho man believes that he needs to be physically strong, overly assertive and aggressive. While none of these things are necessarily bad, they do not constitute what being a real man is.
I need to ask, why would you rather die than be masculine? As men, we are meant to discover what masculinity, to be a man, truly means to us. Did you make that discovery on your own or did someone tell you what masculinity is?
I, personally, believe that what truly makes a man is his strength of character. That is the truest mark of masculinity and maturity.
Well, you do make some valid points. However, when I was in high school, ~80% of the guys were like I described. They were obnoxious brutes who shoved me around. They treated girls like inanimate trophies to be won and taken. The reason I care so much is because every time we let this behaviour go, we contribute a little bit to the patriarchy, and we let society think that it is okay to be sexist in subtle and not so subtle ways. We need feminism more than ever, and I seek to bring it here.
Lol nerd.
You bloody dolt.
J.k. bro