I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Need two 30+ gatekeeper VOG normal MSG me on xbox460 samename^^^
CROTA HARD CROTA CHP. Message Morsecode123 for invite
Deathsinger cp on hard msg for invite must know what your doing and have a mic must be Lvl 32
Vog normal fresh. Need to do it on my 26 hunter. I'm very experienced and have great guns. Message for invite.
Starting atheon hard group 31+ Gt: The Medic44 For invite
Willing to do (("Templar")) to (("atheon")) (("hard only")) 32 hunter will take relic gt VN P0P0
Fresh Crota Normal, GT same as above
need Raid group of 5-6 because im at crota cp need swordbearer.
Need people for VOG normal on 360. I'm on xbox 360 and have atheon checkpoint. Message for invite
Nightfall need 2 30+ msg for inv
Atheon Hard CP. Level 30+ only. Message REACH CARTER
Need 4 for normal crota fresh Gamertag:FBGM Inferno
Gamer tag Loucifer lvl 30 geared sunsinger
Lvl 30 hunter lf fresh norm crota. Gt same as above.
Gt; meh rewind Hard vog gatekeeper cp Message on xbox Level 30+ Need 2
on crota cp
I need sword bearer and 4 message KoleGuen05 for inv
Need 2 for hard gatekeeper 30+ gt same as above
Need 2 conflux norm cp gt same
Need sword bearer Crota hard cp message gt above
Looking for 4 31+ (preferably 32s) for NORMAL CROTA FRESH Just have a mic and tracking rocket launcher Message me ONLY on xbox gt same as name
need crotas end hard mode group!
Need a team for Crota cp all 32s gt the same need sword barrer
Crota hard last CHK need 3 players one a sword barer... Thanks :) Thom1nator
Need [b]FOUR FOR HARD DEATH SINGERS CP[/b]. Looking for [b]32's[/b] with [b]MAX GALLY OR HUNGER[/b]. Also need a [u][b]SWORD BEARER[/b][/u]. MSG AlbiNo Ant for invite!
Hard Crota cp. need gali's. Message Mnyxa for invite.