I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Need 3 for hard crota cp, message WebbedCrowd3 for invite Also could use a SB
Bog normal fresh msg gt above
Need 4 lvl 32 for death singer cp on hard same gt
Need 4 for VoG hard fresh. Must be level 30+ and with experience. Message on Xbox: GT: Ontrix
Giving away gorgon chest CP. Message me for an invite! Gamer tag same as name.
Need 4 for VoG hard fresh. Must be level 30+ and with experience. Message on Xbox: GT: Ontrix
I [b]Need invite[/b] for Crota hard checkpoint Level 31 Warlock with ghorn GT- Alex429 No mic, but can still hear you
[quote]I am a lvl 32 hunter, and warlock, with a lvl 30 titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded[/quote] Fresh run vog hard
Hosting crotas end hard fresh start. Im a 32 hunter. Message gt: exusemykarisma to join need 1 more
crota cp hard message for invite
Crota cp hard need 3 32 message in a game gamer tag same as above
Vog hard at gorgon cp. 31+ must have mic need 4. No kids. Gt same as name message for inv
Crota checkpoint on hard Need 2 more Will kill crota before ogres so u must have good rockets and skill Message for invite Gamertag same as above
Vog hard need 2 message me on xbox for inv name same as above
Vog hard need 2 message me on xbox for inv name same as above
Need 3 lvl 32+ for death singer cp on hard same gt
32 sword bearer looking to help any1 gt above
VOG norm gatekeeper cp message me for invite
Templar cp on hard need two ppl msg me on xbox 360 for invite gt same as name
Need 4 crota normal (sword bearer), gt same as above
Need 2 for Atheon normal
need a few for vog hard gatekeeper cp...experience relic user....need mics...level 31 plus
360 Need level 32s for hard crota cp. Swordbearer would be great. Be patient and don't leave, it takes time to get a group. My gt is tysonisonfire
need a few for vog hard gatekeeper cp...experience relic user....need mics...level 31 plus
2 people needed on vog fresh run join while u can
Vog hard oracles msg lvl 69 greninja for invite