I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Doing Vog hard lv 30 or higher msg for inv
Level 30 hunter looking to do a normal crota fresh run. I have a maxed Ghorn, word, hunger, and ice breaker. Send me an invite gt same as above.
Lvl30 warlock looking for crota norm fresh or any cp
VoG Hard Fresh msg intermixture for invite
crota hard checkpoint need 4 31+ message me on 360 for invite gt same as above.
Vog normal fresh. Gt same as name message for inv need 4. Must have mic
Doing Vog hard lv 30 or higher msg for inv
need 4 + sword 360 gamertag: lord eluxi
Level 32 Hunter with Level 25 Hunter hosting a Normal VoG Raid Fresh Run. Message xCookiesaur for invites. 26+ is prefered.
32 hunter sword bearer looking to help out on normal crota cp Gt above
31 Titan looking for hard VoG or normal crota. Any cp
Bored asf!!!! Running sword on hard fresh crota need 2 must have good rockets Plz. Gt same as above
crota hard need 4 including sword gamertag: lord eluxi
Crota death singer hard level 32 or gjallarhorn or both! Gt above
Looking for Crota cp on hard Lvl 32 titan I have Hunger of Crota max Inv me, same gt as above.
32 Titan with Deathsinger cp on hard. 32s only. GT same as above. Message if you want in. Need swordbearer.
Need [b]ONE SWORD BEARER[/b] and [b]TWO 32s with MAX GALLY[/b] for [b]HARD CROTA CP[/b]. Must be [b]experienced![/b]. MSG AlbiNo Ant for invite!
32 Titan with Deathsinger cp on hard. 32s only. GT same as above. Message if you want in. Need swordbearer.
Crota normal or hard 31 warlock GT: Conspiratorist
Need [b]ONE SWORD BEARER[/b] and [b]TWO 32s with MAX GALLY[/b]. Must be [b]experienced![/b]. MSG AlbiNo Ant for invite!
VOG on normal gatekeeper cp Need 5 MSG AstylishKat
30 Hunter. Want to join vog normal
Need 5 more for crota cp normal msg for inv gt same as above
Edited by Smashton: 4/10/2015 1:42:04 AMI need Gorgon's layer checkpoint... Anyone?! Gt above .. Xbox 360
have hard atheon cp. Need 5 people 31+ with experiance and good weapons. Message vS Dazed for inv
32 Titan maxed hunger want to do Crota hard.gt same