I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Crota checkpoint on Hard, need 3 more people 31+ , message for invite.
Looking to do vog on hard , cp doesn't matter . Lvl 32 Titan defender with Atheon epilogue praydeths revenge and ghorn
Level 32 Crota ends Crota cp Ask for invite Gt is same Need a good sword bearer
Need to do Crota hard fresh run, I have three level 32 and maxed out ghorn and ice breaker. Send an invite to my gt above
Need two lvl 32s for nf and weekly on lvl 30 message me for an invite to join my group my gt is as above
Need 2 people crota hard cp on crota need good rocket launcher message me for invite gt same as above
Bridge checkpoint normal. Lvl 30 hunter with maxed ice. Message SIR PUFFLES
Need 2 lvl 30 or higher for crota normal crota checkpoint GT: ShadowBrony76
lvl 32 warlock looking for cropta or vog gt : Yama005400
lvl 30 warlock looking for vog hard or crota normal my gt is dmears98
Hosting crota hard fresh. Message gt; exusemykarisma to join im a 32 hunter
need 4 for bridge normal crota, will need swordbearer. msg Xfallenangls9X for invite
Need 4 for crota cp Must be 31+ g horn We already have swordbearer Gt same
Anyone interested in hard vog @ atheon, need 2 (adults only)
need 3 for vog normal fresh start. gamertag same as above. message for invite.
Need 3 for Crota normal with gally or hoc Msg- vl TNT lv
need 3 for hard gatekeeper 31+
VoG Hard Oracle CP! Need to be experienced! We can run relic! Message PsychoPlanet97 for an invite!
Need 3 more to do crota cp on hard, 31+ must have tracking rockets msg XxD3athPlaguexX for inv
Need 3 more to do crota cp on hard, 31+ must have tracking rockets msg XxD3athPlaguexX for inv
Looking for hard vog Atheon cp, gatekeeper is fine, 30 lock w/ ice breaker and gally. gt same as above
Atheon normal cp. Gt same as above. Know what your doing
Fresh crota run normal message for invite gt: Cnok26
Vog hard need 4 message me on xbox for inv name same as above
Need 3 for VoG hard fresh 30+ Gt same
Hard Crota CP! Need to be experienced! Message PsychoPlanet97 for an invite!