I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
I'm a lvl 30 hunter with max gjallahorn. I have plenty of experience with relic. MSG me if you need help on hard atheon.
Lv 31 warlock looking for crota hard. Invite me GT same as above.
Atheon checkpoint hard Need 5 ppl with good rockets, experience, able to relic hold Must be 30+ Message on 360 for invite Gamertag same as above
Crota normal fresh need 2
Vog atheon cp normal looking fir 3 more gt same as above msg for invitw
Hosting Fresh normal crota message in game for inv
32 looking to Swordbear for anyone. Invite "Linkzify".
Need 2 For Fresh Crota Hard GT: The Black Group Message For Invite
32 Titan lfg VOG hard any checkpoint I have oracle weapons mic and exp GT: fieryvengeance5
Crota hard crota cp. need 5
Need 4 for crota cp on hard mode 31+ must have tracking rockets msg XxD3athPlaguexX for inv.
Xbox 360 vog gatekeeper cp hard message me for invite gt: DawnWolfs
Need 1 for Crota cp hard must be 31+ and experienced with a mic no squeakers xbox360
Lvl 28 Hunter looking for Crota normal fresh or bridge checkpoint!!! Send invite to Gt above!!!!
Need 3 for fresh normal crota, GT same as above
Need 4 people for vog hard a the on cp. Must have mic and experience. Must be 31+. Msg for invite GT same as above.
Doing crota hard crota check point need 2 have sword bearer msg for inv
Fresh Crota Normal, GT same as above
Running ppl threw hard crota for fun ( solo) ask herrath for invite
Bridge CP normal need 4 people must have mic level 30 plus GT same as above
Fresh Hard Crotas end 32 Message MrLoonyPenguinn for invite
Hard VoG from Conflux CP. Please have experience 30+ x360 gt same as above
Vog gatekeeper checkpoint on hard message for invite
Atheon checkpoint hard message for invite get fieldgeneral630
Hard atheon cp need 4 with exp and mics gt enter delerium
Crota checkpoint on Hard, need 3 more people 31+ , message for invite.