I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
i want to find ssome one to do vog with im lev 25 warlock and ive never done it
Crota's end fresh on normal...31 plus...need a mic...experienced swordbearer...message for invite
Welcome to The Exotic Order. We are a Xbox 360 based clan that focuses on teamwork and collaboration. We thrive for a community that is hardworking dealing with Raids, Nightfalls, Weeklys, Bounties, and PvP. We aim for a easy going environment we don't mind a little competition. So with that there are some prerequisites. Prerequisites: •Must have at least one character above level 26. (don't worry there are some exceptions) •You must be fairly active. •Respect. •Selflessness- your at be willing to help other clan members. •Have a good attitude. •Expect Success Application: •Console: •Age: •Characters: •Are you willing to help others? In order for a clan to be successful, you must work together to make Destiny an easier task! We have players in different times zones but who needs sleep anyways? We achievement hunt, mess around, and do resets on 3 characters (if applicable). All of our members are highly experienced and they shall stay as others players join. If interested in joining me search "The Exotic Order" or click below. https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/537909
VOG normal fresh message for inv
I'm a lvl 32 Hunter who can be swordbearer if you need help gt same as above p.s. please be at deathsinger or more
Im a 31 hunter looking for a group for anything inv ign iMightyPure
Looking for 5 more to do vog hard mode atheon if you want in message me gt is same as above
Crota checkpoint hard mode 32 with good rocket launcher and sword bearer needed
Hosting Fresh Hard VoG Lvl 30+ GT Hombre Thing I will check forums and messages just in case you guys are lazy...
Need 4 decent players who aren't douchenozzlers for fresh Hard crota. Need a mic and a 331 good rocket launcher. Hoc or Gally preferred. We have a good swordbearer already. Message me on 360 to join. GT: Kittens Shadow
Looking for 5 more to do vog hard mode atheon if you want in message me gt is same as above
Need 3 for crota hard CP gt same specify your level in msg or no inv
need 3 for Vog on hard 31+ gt same as name msj me for invite
Vog hard need 5 message me on xbox for inv name same as above
Xbox 360 At Atheon Level 30 Titan need 5 level 30+ players for hard VoG at Atheon cp msg LIKE A B0SS 487 (B0SS uses a zero instead of an o) for inv
need 2 crota cp normal, need swordbearer
Need 2 for deathsinger cp on normal
Doing Vog on Norm. Fresh run, need 4 ppl. Mic is a must & must have experience in this Raid. I'm trying to get this done as fast as possible so please no inexperienced players. Msg for inv. Gt is the same Console inv. Only.
Need 4 people for normal VOG level 26 plus GT same as above
Need people for VoG hard atheon checkpoint. Msg ShadeItPlease for invite
Level 31 Titan looking to do Crota raid fresh normal or any other raid fresh. All levels welcome! Geared and experienced. GT: BericDond4rrion
Normal cota msg me
Fresh Crota hard message me same as above
Need 5 more people for crotas end, trying to get armor and shards
Vog hard oracles Message for invite
three more for fresh VOG normal LVL 29 carring 28 and 26 gt same as above