I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
Hosting normal Crota fresh msg for inv
Fresh Crota on Normal. Need 31+, tracking rockets gt same as above!
Need 5 for fresh normal crota Gt-kingjal21
Death singer cp on normal, need 3 more 31+ must have tracking rockets gt same as above for invite
Crota normal fresh gt same as above
crota hard cp. message for invite.
Need 4 more for normal Crota have good rockets 31+
Need 2 lvl 30+ for vog on hard fresh Msg Temioh on Xbox for an invite
Vog Hard Fresh. (Start to Finish) experience players. 30+. gt is same as above.
Need 4 normal crota fresh Message for invite
360 Need 3 for vog Gorgon checkpoint hard 30+ same gt as above
Hard bridge cp 31+
Crota hard fresh 31+
LFR HARD VOG FRESH, 32 hunter w/ghorn, send inv, not hosting,
Someone invite my gt to hard fresh crotas end im level 32 with most exotics
32 swordbearer looking for a normal crota or singer cp mssg me on xbox. Also inv me for aetheon cp or oracle cp
LFR NORM VOG FRESH, 32 hunter w/ghorn, send inv, not hosting,
[b]Crota Hard Fresh Run[/b] Msg GT: Stoneez x
32 sword bearer hosting crota end normal EXP PLAYERS ONLY GT ^^
hosting crota end normal fresh 32 & EXP PLAYERS ONLY GT ^^
Fresh VOG Normal difficulty. As TED1315 for invite - need two more ATM all level 32!
Need 3 Normal Crota cp 32 only msg for inv gt same
doing VOG hard fresh have mic/ know what you're doing/ lvl 29+/ gt same as above msg for inv
Need 3 for hard vog fresh - 30+ preferred - Msg me for inv gt is above
Need 5 plus swordbearer for Crota fresh 31+ Need mic Tracking rounds HOC or Gally msg MtmanRABTKILRS NORMAL
VOG normal Atheon CP must be lvl 30+ Must know how to use relic GT is the same