I am a lvl 34 hunter, warlock, and titan, and I am looking for people to do the raids with me, or meet up with others, I can be a swordbearer, and I have an oracle disruptor weapon with the perk upgraded
VoG normal: my friend needs help with his first raid. Gt: arbiter 313, mss for invite, or if you already have a team and need another player, invite him!
Need 4 for fresh crota on hard Message quietstormjm1 for invite
Looking for atheon normal?
Looking for 5 to help carry a 30 through HARD Crota up to the DeathSinger. Since I'm already 30, please be 31 or 32. Message Xfallenangls9X for invite!
VoG normal fresh message Lethal Shreder for an invite
Crota normal bridge cp 30+
I Have Hard deathsinger cp [b]-Must be 32 (the only way i will allow 31 is if max gally or HoC) -Must Have Exepierence -need swordbearrer GT: awsomehero1168 -need 4 [u] a w s o m e h e r o 1 1 6 8[/u][/b]
31 expert titan. Maxed truth. Need hard crota fresh.
Crota Normal Cp [b]Need Max Gally or HOC[/b]
Vog Hard gatekeeper msg Jezter119 for inv
Running hard fresh VOG message for inv GT same
32 warlock looking for Templar hard cp invite gt above
Level 31 warlock who has hard crota cp Need help Gt same as above msg for invite
Lvl 32 Hunter need 2 for [b]Deathsinger cp hard.[/b] Msg Spidey ARC for an invite.Im swordbeader.
Looking for 5 VOG NORMAL 28+ message disi2274 on 360
Last call for Gorgon maze cp on hard giveaway message in game for inv for 360
hosting vog normal 30+ & EXP PLAYERS ONLY GT ^^
CROTA NORM CROTA CHP. NEED SWORDBEARER message Morsecode123 for invite
32 warlock. Hosting Hard Crota cp. Need 5 one to be sword bearer. Plz have tracking rockets. And have experiance
Looking for two people for bridge CP hard message huskerkme for invite level 31+
Need 3 for fresh vog run normal. Msg for invite.
Hard crota cp message me for invite 32s only will need a good sword-bearer
need a good sword-bearer for hard crota message me for invite
I'm running Sword for people Crota CP only Could be hard or normal I don't care If you don't have enough DPS don't bother inviting me GT: Mythgasm (If I don't join I'm helping others) 180+ kills on him with sword
Fresh crota run on hard, message for invite. Gt same as above, must be 31+