I played with auto rifles before and after the patch and they are utterly useless, the PvP side was pretty good but in PvE they were a decent weapon but now they have no usefulness, I bet if bungie released the statistics of gun use now it would show virtually the exact same thing except auto rifles would be at the bottom and pulse rifles would be near the top.
Hand cannons my friend
I love hand canons I just don't have a legendary one I can use
Woc is great in pvp 77 crit dmg
Thanks I'll see if I can get it and try it out
It's also great for the thorn bounty
If I'm lucky enough to get the thorn bounty
Oh your a fresh player. Ya the thorn is I think the most common bounty. And if your interested I will run the bounty with u if u are on 360
I've actually been playing since the beta but I had it on the 360 and I upgraded to a ps4 so I had to restart everything, I also don't have a lot of time to play which sets me back a little bit
That's exactly what I think too. They really should have just kept that nerf to pvp if they were dead set on nerfing autos. They really didn't need it though, if they would have just buffed pulse rifles, they would be pretty close to "gun balancing" they were talking about.