[b]Player departed.[/b]
[b]Player departed.[/b]
Unless it's nightfall
The only reason why people don't like it is cause there's no [i]easily accessible[/i]glitch spots so they can't cheese the boss as easily as others. People don't like playing the game legit.
Omnigul is great for glimmer farming. Just pop a black wax idol before you get to her
Edited by Cyber: 6/29/2015 2:18:46 PMI necrobump thee!
I'm afraid the black garden won't stay among us for long for a guardian has departed and most likely will not find another for some time. No joke at least one player left and another didn't join till close to the end of the strike when the boss was finished.
It's fun when it's not a nightfall
Same here. I'll play it once a day. When it pops up again... I'm out. Just takes way too long. Not fun.
Lol that is so me...
It has actually became one of my favourite strikes, only second to nexus.
Omnigul is heaps fast!! Use your supers and shotguns at the start and skip the ogre part .. then smash omnigul with shotguns and flashbang grenades. Easy. I never see people dash on that strike.
Edited by Ktan_Dantaktee: 4/7/2015 7:13:41 AMIt's arguably the best Strike in the game. But Bungie has pretty much killed it by shoving it down everybody's throats. That's what you get when you only release one Strike in an Expansion, though.
Edited by Liquid Snake: 4/7/2015 7:20:12 AMI actually don't mind Omnigul. Pop an ether seed and collect that glimmer and engrams. Sure it's time consuming but it's a great strike to farm. When it pops up 5 out of your last 7 strikes on Roc, I can see why people leave. It does occur way too often. They don't rotate Roc properly.
It's really not that bad as a regular strike. Supressor/blind grenades + shotguns makes it even easier.
Dude it give double the xp and shit tons of glimmer if you use a glimmer mat. I always do it.
My favourite strike, call me stupid.
Ahahahahah every teym
How original.
At least it's not as bad as Valus. [i]Whether we wanted it or not, people will definitely quit this strike.[/i]
Farming is nice and all, but I'd rather choose to do it alone if I'm going to. Also it is kind of annoying to spend twice as long grinding to be pushed into fire by the person who joins at the last minute. I mean, I love getting Omni down to almost nothing to get killed and start over again and again and again....
omnigul is the last of crotas bitches
"Ommigul is the last of Corta's genatils"
"Ommigul is the last of Corta's genatils"
Haha crack up