The Last Word is one of the most powerful weapons you can encounter in the Crucible. So powerful, it can kill you in less than a second (That's like a heavy weapon killtime). Often times, it doesn't matter if you get the first shot off; The Last Word user can just turn the battle the around in the blink of an eye without any real effort.
I've been told by multiple users that the eponymous perk the weapon has is actually bugged. The extra precision damage applies not only to hip firing, but aiming down the sights as well. That means that people who use this weapon are exploiting a glitch in the game to their advantage, which means they're cheating.
Look it up. Last time I checked the Xbox Live terms of service, exploiting unintended elements in a game to your advantage constitutes cheating. I'm sure PSN has similar terms. Bungie is no stranger to banning people for this sort of thing; Achronos himself stated back in the Halo 2 days that the use of the button glitches in that game in Matchmaking was cheating and a bannable offense.
I'm sure some of you (probably the people who use the gun) will start calling me names, saying that I suck or am a sore loser, yadda yadda yadda. But it doesn't really matter; the terms are clear. If you use the Last Word in Crucible in that manner, [i]you are technically cheating.[/i] There's no if's, and's, or but's about it. You are cheating.
You're welcome.
Omfg dude. There's nothing left it's all been ruined by Nerfs. When will you see nerfing is not the answer to any gun problem DB as your suros.
Skrub git gud
\ / \_________/ A bucket for your salty tears
Lol. Keep crying
If someone lands three headshots in a row on you with tlw, while you're shooting at them, they deserve the kill. If they miss one shot, it's on you to take advantage of that and earn the kill. My guess is you're just not as good as you think you are and get out one on one'd frequently
I wish I could use TLW, but the full-auto is broken for me. :/
So Bungie should ban players for their error?
Did you miss the memo where the gun is supposed to be good for 1v1, or were you to busy with your head up your ass?
Aw poor baby doesn't have the last word and/or has a vagina
Edited by trinidadosvaldo8: 4/6/2015 5:53:40 PMHawkmoon can take care of all those thorn and tlw users (;
Shut up Meg
You sir, are an idiot. This is coming from someone who does not own the last word... If you really think that someone using a weapon as intended (by holding left trigger down) is in anyway cheating, then you are the biggest moron to hit these forums... And to sit there and think that Bungie would punish anyone for using said weapon, well that makes you a bigger idiot. THIS IS IN NO WAY EXPLOITING ANYTHING. BROKEN MECHANIC OR NOT, THIS IS NOT CHEATING, EXPLOITING, OR ANYTHING EVEN CLOSE TO THAT!!! Wow... I think reading your post is even making the people who read it dumber... I feel like it cost me a few brain cells for sure... Oh and your mommy called. She said it was time for lunch. She made your favorite. Mayonnaise sandwiches with Cheesy Poofs!! So you better get home before you get grounded and cant get on the game or forums!!
Played against someone using a modded controller with Last Word in Skirmish. Stupidest thing ever.
Screw you man Shin Malphur gave me this fire arm so I could destroy people like you in crucible
I dont use it much but i dont think it's cheating, and it doesnt violate the terms. If it did violate the terms, Microsoft would make bungie take it out of the game
[b]//Start thread_scan; scanning... Error_found: foreign language detected; //Start translation; translating... Translation_found. system.out.print ( 'I'm a fgt and got #rekt and got butthurt'); End_translation; End_system. [/b]
If bungie didn't intend on people using a gun, then it wouldn't have been included in the game!
Learn how to play, if you can't beat the third best exotic HandCannon in the game, maybe stay out of crucible you whiny DramaQueen. I'm going to mute you now, I don't want to hear anymore from your dumbáss
I feel bad for your parents giving birth to a kid with a soft skull
I'm just going to assume you either do not have TLW or you just really suck with it. It is a strong weapon, I admit that. But you also need to master the gun. You can sit there and cry all you want but you just need to get better at crucible to be able to counter it.
Well if someone cheating you're losing get better nerd
You forgot the following hashtags #sarcasm, #satire, or # I'ma wasteofspermcrybabybiach, #I can'tplaysoeveryoneisacheater
I hate getting killed by tlw
The Last Word Unique perk Bonus damage and stability. Extra precision damage when firing from the hip. Which part do you not understand? [spoiler]idiot[/spoiler]
Systems; Online Scanning Thread... Scanning... Foreign Language Detected. Translating to English... Complete. Message from OP: "I'm a fgt and I get wrecked." Systems Verify. OP: Butthurt fgt [u]confirmed[/u] \Abandon Thread!