The Last Word is one of the most powerful weapons you can encounter in the Crucible. So powerful, it can kill you in less than a second (That's like a heavy weapon killtime). Often times, it doesn't matter if you get the first shot off; The Last Word user can just turn the battle the around in the blink of an eye without any real effort.
I've been told by multiple users that the eponymous perk the weapon has is actually bugged. The extra precision damage applies not only to hip firing, but aiming down the sights as well. That means that people who use this weapon are exploiting a glitch in the game to their advantage, which means they're cheating.
Look it up. Last time I checked the Xbox Live terms of service, exploiting unintended elements in a game to your advantage constitutes cheating. I'm sure PSN has similar terms. Bungie is no stranger to banning people for this sort of thing; Achronos himself stated back in the Halo 2 days that the use of the button glitches in that game in Matchmaking was cheating and a bannable offense.
I'm sure some of you (probably the people who use the gun) will start calling me names, saying that I suck or am a sore loser, yadda yadda yadda. But it doesn't really matter; the terms are clear. If you use the Last Word in Crucible in that manner, [i]you are technically cheating.[/i] There's no if's, and's, or but's about it. You are cheating.
You're welcome.
Back up...and get a life. Don't fight at close quarters if you can't hack it.
Wtf try to cover up crying , dude good luck with the feedback u get from this post .
So because one of the gun perks is broken and not working correctly, something only bungie has control over, you think this is exploiting the game and a banable offense? The players haven't manipulated anything or exploited anything. They are simply using the gun the way it is set up to work by bungie at this point. Dont post in a rage next time and you wont sound so retarded.
If's, and's or butt's*
If people are exploiting Bungie's mistake...simply by [i]using[/i] the gun, they won't get banned.
Video proof or didnt happen.
Stop feeding the Troll.
Intellectual savior? Hahahahahhahahhha I think a wise man once told me...[spoiler]git gud skrub![/spoiler]
The only thing I hear is whining...and congrats on another ridiculous post..lmfao
Bungie made the bonus work for aiming down the sights too. Problem solved. Not cheating anymore.
Go jump off a bridge...this is ridiculous. If you're gonna whine about any gun in the crucible, how about you stay out of the freaking crucible. It's obviously not for you. I'm tired of all these babies crying about every gun needing a nerd. Just because you're BAD, doesn't mean everyone else is're just simply THAT BAD.
How do you know these people are aiming down sights they could be hip firing and if they are aiming well who cares I saw a video about a guy using he got killed by a normal auto rifle while aiming down sights so maybe that extra damage that is a glitch while aiming down sites didn't work just saying
So you think we're going to get banned for aiming our gun once in a while? Did read your thread again to make sure you were sane?
I don't even know it did this?
Go swallow glass
If Exploiting unintended elements of the game is cheating might as well ban every destiny player because let's face it, no one has done every single one of their raids without exploiting it
Just saying that fun sucks until you get the name perk and perfect balance. So if you use it. Which I do. Congrats on your patience for working with it and it does require more skill then the other handcannons.
I thought they said planes when they were handing out brains so I figured I'd take the short bus instead.
Dude, it could be a hidden perk not a bug. Bungie haven't said anything about it and I've never even seen it proc, soooooo, op is fgt?
I am so fückin sick of seeing these posts. Dude. Play the damn game. Enjoy what bungie made us. And wait til you get YOUR last word.
Are the last word users just not allowed to fire a shot, I know there is a glitch but what are you gonna do about it
You are just jealous cos you dont have one
Remember "loot caves" destiny is built on exploitation haha
Well, since I got TLW as a drop from DESTINY the game in which you state that I am cheating by using the weapon I got from the GAME. No. You're not smart.
What a puss...