The Last Word is one of the most powerful weapons you can encounter in the Crucible. So powerful, it can kill you in less than a second (That's like a heavy weapon killtime). Often times, it doesn't matter if you get the first shot off; The Last Word user can just turn the battle the around in the blink of an eye without any real effort.
I've been told by multiple users that the eponymous perk the weapon has is actually bugged. The extra precision damage applies not only to hip firing, but aiming down the sights as well. That means that people who use this weapon are exploiting a glitch in the game to their advantage, which means they're cheating.
Look it up. Last time I checked the Xbox Live terms of service, exploiting unintended elements in a game to your advantage constitutes cheating. I'm sure PSN has similar terms. Bungie is no stranger to banning people for this sort of thing; Achronos himself stated back in the Halo 2 days that the use of the button glitches in that game in Matchmaking was cheating and a bannable offense.
I'm sure some of you (probably the people who use the gun) will start calling me names, saying that I suck or am a sore loser, yadda yadda yadda. But it doesn't really matter; the terms are clear. If you use the Last Word in Crucible in that manner, [i]you are technically cheating.[/i] There's no if's, and's, or but's about it. You are cheating.
You're welcome.
Lol the last word isn't that hard to avoid, just don't go in all gung-ho, take precautions, be a cautious player. I used to use it, but personally prefer thorn as a hand cannon, but generally prefer my red death. After the pulse rifle buff red death is super op, that's just the truth, but I still love to use it.
File a million reports on me then.We'll let Bungie and Microsoft decide.
Edited by Chron: 4/6/2015 12:10:34 PM[b]Hold up hold up now... [/b]You're telling me that if I aim down the sights of my gun in a FPS that I'm cheating?? That's it, this forum has officially gone full retard. I think I'm done here
"I've heard from multiple users--" nope. Stop right there. Everything you say is henceforth irrelevant.
Muted for crybaby thread and stupidity.
It also has one of the highest recoil among hand cannons.
I don't have the Last Word, I hate seeing it in the crucible as it does kill really quickly, I don;t see it as cheating. If Bungie haven't got round to fixing it yet, it is not a players responsibility to say ''I wont use this gun, it's not fair''.
spoken like a true sore loser. did you know it has no range with the stability perk?
A last word user can kill me IF he got to much close. Otherwise he will face my Thorn, LDR 5001 and grenades.
The Last Word??? More like I can't hear the last thing it said as I was busting that Hawkmoon into the chest of whomever.. Oh wait xbox owner :(
Stop complaining
I'm sorry, were you talking? I wasn't paying attention.
So you think people are cheating because they choose to ads? Yeah that makes sense.
Only sporadically will the extra precision damage effect while zooming in. And when it happens is either right as I'm zooming in or getting the last shot off for a kill and releasing the trigger for zooming.
Mehh shit happans
Lol wow really? If you're that butthurt about it maybe you right a nice long heartfelt letter to bungie about it?? See how much good it does
Edited by TheMysticShadow: 4/6/2015 1:40:28 PMEdit: Yep sorry didn't read the full OP
I don't think it's glitches honestly, I've never noticed it
I've seen people using the last word from their perspective. It doesn't do extra damage when firing down sights. Even if this glitch did exist people wouldn't be [i]intentioanally[/i] using the glitch.
I do not trust OP, this acct has never played destiny!
I don't have The Last Word. I've never had it. But even I think you're an idiot. The gun may get nerfed if there is a fault with a perk, but there's no way in hell anyone will get banned just for using it the way its meant to be used, and I seriously doubt Bungie, Xbox or PSN will consider the use of it as cheating.
Everybody can use whatever weapon he/she wants to. And btw git gud scrub.
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
Hahaha someone is jelly lol. It's funny how you say technically cheating and then immediately follow by saying no ifs ands or buts when that in itself justifies the use of all 3 words. Technicality is not concrete proof you moron. So stop being all butthurt and jelly cuz you don't have an awesome hand canon or can't use it if you do have it. I have it and I have thorn also I just don't use them cuz I suck with hand canons in the crucible but I'm not here butthurt and bitching about it.
The reason we get the extra damage is because i start firing before my sights are fully aimed in so it counts as hip fire head shot
Back up...and get a life. Don't fight at close quarters if you can't hack it.