Game Theory looks at one of the most charismatic 'villains' of the last decade, examining him as a person.
Sure, he might be a psychopath... But was he always that way?
Watch and decide for yourself if the evidence stacks up in his favor.
Is Handsome Jack really the villain?
He's misunderstood I guess. Sure he's crazy and enjoys killing, but so do all the vault hunters. They literally betrayed him because they could and that drove him to commit of the excessively violent acts he did. After playing the pre sequel my entire perspective of the vault hunters changed. I realized how evil they were. Jack was trying to remove all the bandits from Pandora and make the place safe for normal people. Up until they betrayed him his only goal was to save the moon from the Dahl guys. They tried to kill him because they thrive on the lawlessness of Pandora.