Hey Lenny's I have some stuff I would like to sell
Frikn lazor beam guns just ask what you want
I'm looking for booty
Buts or loot?
I'm the Royal Booty Connoisseur so what do you think?
Buts ok
All of the booty.
I have been looking for new, "tools"...
What do you want
Mega Lazers and maybe genetically mutated super lennys plz
We don't do genetics (well. Not yet) but we have continues fire weapons, standard laser bolt blasters, maximum mass force beam cannons or charge beam fusion rifles [spoiler]our special is nick named Shop Da Woop[/spoiler]
I'll take them all.
Well That would be 134,327,345,659,905,000.69 credits
Here. *hands credits*
Dam you were rich now in rich
I hope I get my [b]money's worth[/b] off of these
Trust me shook da woop is with it
Pm me the weaponry