Bladedancer is just as much a panic use as any warlock or titan super. Press shoulder buttons and mash r1. Not exactly difficult.
Panic super = OH GOD IM ABOUT TO DIE FOH: yes Nova bomb: yes Arc blade: no
You have no idea what you're talking about. Pop your super with enemies standing next to you shooting and see how it goes for you. Pop your super with nobody in the area and watch yourself run around killing nothing like an idiot. The Hunter super is a timed and precision super. It's much easier to suck as a Hunter.
Timed? Precision? Mashing r1 is not precision. Golden gun takes a bit of finesse I'll admit. But bladedancer? No... just no.
You have ZERO Crucible kills as a Hunter. You sound like an idiot, go waste someone else time.
Aww don't get upset guy. Just disagreeing with you.