[quote]I haven't seen you defend your statement at all...[/quote]
Because in all honesty I don't care enough to put forth the effort. I was venting after a bad crucible match and expected this to be a throwaway thread that would die within minutes. Had no idea people took this shit so seriously here, even deleted all the text essentially and they're still pouring in. It was fun watching them get up in arms about it like a horde of manchildren though.
Another person who fails to adapt to new strategies. I can out gun any of the hunters when I see them coming. A shotgun can make short work of any blade dancer. Nova bomb or fist of havoc can kill them as well. People in destiny are too quick to whine. I played a number of MMO/RPG style of games and if someone would start whining about a skill being overpowered they would get either a offer to improve their skills or get told to get good. While I may not be skilled in destiny's Pvp, I don't see any of the classes being overpowered at all. Each class gots it's niche, you just got to find the one that best fits your play style and master it. Like anything it takes time.
Edited by C0ldM0use: 4/4/2015 9:36:56 AMI mostly use hunter in crucible. I never use the blink shotgun combo. In fact I think I've used a shotgun twice in total (pvp) and I never use the trip mine grenade.
Edited by Exodus3004: 4/4/2015 9:12:34 AMOn behalf of the warlock community, i apologize for this whiners behaviour
I can't stand whiners ...
I couldn't beat them... so I joined them.
What's your next complain? That a shotgun to a face is too op? It's called a super for a reason. Maybe if you didn't try to use fireborn next to three enemies you wouldn't be complaining. Get good kid.
PVP is unbalanced. Find your balance or stop playing.
Maybe you should sit then
I run all three and posts like this are shit mute
I poop on hunter every chance i get! Warlock = true master race
Hunters the most overpowered class in pvp hands down, I have tons of kills on all three classes and know from experience
Every day there's a master race post. What would the destiny forums be if there wasn't Hunter hate:warlock suck/ titan nerf! Always something.
Agreed playing as a hunter is like playing easy mode
Warlocks and titans are for scrubs. [spoiler]hunter master race[/spoiler]
Grow up wee man
Warlocks taught hunters how to blink Blame the warlocks
Games been out for 7 months now and this kind of shit is still being posted.... Looks like I didn't miss much in my 4 month hiatus.
You are beyond retarded
Here's another hate hunters post... -sigh-
Ummmmmmm I use the blink - sniper strategy. You're so lame - shotgun and blink was so March 2015. You filthy hipster.
Edited by Idzohra: 4/4/2015 8:08:21 AM*activates golden gun* Shit where did he come from? I was still in my -blam!-in super animation! *spawns without super*
And I can't stand people who make these stupid posts. Another toxic post much?
Opposite I Hate Titans
Easiest supers to shut down. Hardly OP.
I dont like noobs