I may be wrong about this so im hopeing someone else will try it to either back me up or prove me wrong.today I played seige of the warmind.and just for the hell of it I decided to use my crota raid auto rifle (sorry guys I cant remember the names) the first knight dropped fast and it kinda suprised me.I noticed the critical damage was hitting for 322.so just to check I used the raid pulse rifle on the next knight it was hitting for 312.I could be wrong here and I hope someone else tryed this.but it seems like it was hitting alot harder.is it possable bungie fixed them without telling us?
I'm not sure man, I haven't tried comparing for a while myself anyway since the day of the nerf. I wanted to comment though to bump your post to see if others have input. But honestly, I don't think so. I'm a huge SUROS user in pve and I haven't noticed a dmg increase since the nerf anyway. Another thing to realize is that the stats on the raid auto has a higher impact than the raid pulse rifle as well. I believe the raid pulse rifle actually has VERY low impact anyway. So that could explain it.
[quote]I'm not sure man, I haven't tried comparing for a while myself anyway since the day of the nerf. I wanted to comment though to bump your post to see if others have input. But honestly, I don't think so. I'm a huge SUROS user in pve and I haven't noticed a dmg increase since the nerf anyway. Another thing to realize is that the stats on the raid auto has a higher impact than the raid pulse rifle as well. I believe the raid pulse rifle actually has VERY low impact anyway. So that could explain it.[/quote] Ah yeah I did not think of any of those playing into it..ah well I can dream sure miss useing suros.
You and I both man! Haha