Bump. I want to use my Vanquisher VIII again without feeling like I'm gimping my overall effectiveness.
Hopefully we will actually be able to use the new shadow price when it comes out with House of Wolves and won't feel underpowered as well!
Lets hope so. Unfortunately, this is going to be a never ending repeated cycle. Nerf this to balance that, balance this to nerf that. It's going to continuously swing back and forth until they find a smooth even middle ground.
Yeah unfortunately that's the case. But honestly, I think this whole "balancing" they're looking for is close to being there. They just need to restore autos to where they were and buff scouts slightly for pvp and they will be all pretty balanced in my opinion.
Agreed. If they were to bring everything to how they were in beta, but buff scouts further, they'll have found their middle ground.
You sir, are correct!
I loved using Pulse Rifles during beta, but knew I could still fall back to an AR and still be just as efficient, in or out of Crucible.
Yeah, and they made pulse rifles have some pretty damn good perks now too (the exotics anyway). Maybe they could either buff up the perks for autos, or restore the dmg. Either way, I am a big fan of pulse rifles now ever since they got buffed big time.