originally posted in:Need Help With the Raid
Well, we'd need 4 other people for a raid and 1 other for a nightfall lol
It'll search for a 3rd for nightfall won't it? if not I've got a few that might run with us. Don't worry about VOG that's for another day!
No. Nightfall is just like the raids in that you need to form your own team.
Seems we need a 3rd then.
Ah. You've got a PS3 and I've got the 4. Bummer.
Damn. Enjoy anyway.
You too
Ready when you are.
Also, in about an hour is usually when my internet craps out. (5:30 pm EST) I think that's because that's the time people come home from work and are all getting on their phones and computers and the internet provider's servers crap out. Yeah. Cox communications suck exactly what their name implies.