Homemade raspberry cheesecake. Yes it is very good. Have to make more tomorrow too.
I'm dying. I want a picture of it.
One I did earlier today.
*drools* and why are you making so many of these [i]magnificent[/i] creations?
Church benefit. Effort to get a new commercial oven/stove set for the annex where different events are held. Selling them 9" for $25 and have sold over 20 in one week. Not bad. Haven't been advertising much.
Gosh I want one so badly
Haha me too. I just get to taste the batter. I really want to stay fit for this Summer. Cheesecakes are definitely fattening, good, but require a mile run for every piece XD
Or you could just swim :3 It gets you nice muscles, endurance, is a good cardio workout, etc.
Oh and gets you a tan sometimes.
I actually have a great tan as is. But yes once this semester is over I will live at the beach. Woot!
Cool cool. Beach life is nice :)