Many men today feel adrift and have lost the confidence, focus, skills, and virtues that men of the past embodied. In an increasingly androgynous society, modern men are confused about their role and what it means to be an honorable, well-rounded man.
The causes of this male malaise are many, from the cultural to the technological. One factor is simply the lack of direction offered men in the popular culture.
[b] “Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends with its grandfathers.” [/b] -Lewis Mumford
Men need role models, and like many men, mine was my grandfather. He's a great shot with a gun, a hard worker, a good outdoorsman, and a general stand-up guy.
Manliness is more than just being a tough guy. Its being a respectable man, and a well rounded individual. You'll find all aspects of your life improved by not only learning to be a good man, but putting it to practice and constantly striving to improve.
To all you young men reading this I urge you to find a positive male role model. Learn the importance of your word, the value of hard work, how to take care of yourself, as well as basic life and outdoor skills. You'll find you only benefit in the long run.
[url=]This[/url] goes over almost exactly the point of this OP, as well as what i agree that manliness is .
Many people today feel adrift and have lost the confidence, focus, skills, and virtues that persons of the past embodied. In an increasingly androgynous society, modern people are confused about their role and what it means to be an honorable, well-rounded person. The causes of this malaise are many, from the cultural to the technological. One factor is simply the lack of direction offered people in the popular culture. [b] “Every generation revolts against its parents and makes friends with its grandparents.” [/b] -Lewis Mumford... Almost People need role models, and like many men, mine was my grandfather. He's a great shot with a gun, a hard worker, a good outdoorsman, and a general stand-up guy. By being a respectable person, and a well rounded individual. You'll find all aspects of your life improved by not only learning to be a good person, but putting it to practice and constantly striving to improve. To all you young people reading this I urge you to find a positive role model. Learn the importance of your word, the value of hard work, how to take care of yourself, as well as basic life and outdoor skills. You'll find you only benefit in the long run.