I have done the crota raid countless times hard and normal difficulty. Yet when we kill Crota the Titan helmet seems to evaded me every time. I have every Crota weapon except two I have hundreds of shards and energy but still no helmet. I have every pieces of armor for the Titan except the helmet. My dreams are starting to fade on the journey to have a full Crota raid set of armor. I know the looting system is based on luck but the luck has a routine and my dream of getting that helmet isn't in that routine. Bungie I hope you guys see this post and decide to help me and all other that have the same dream as to get the Crota Titan raid helmet or any other helmet. Be Brave Bungie fulfill our dreams!
Sorry but 12 completions is not countless... I beat the raid more than 12 times before I had a single raid helmet
I h8 rng I need only the Crota chestpiece and I'm 32 but no rngesus hates me back
I gave up on getting the helmet...then I popped a legendary engram and got Mask of the Third Man that I really wanted, power leveled it up. Now the damn raid helm WON'T STOP DROPPING. Kinda reminded me of searching through my giant Lego bin as a kid. You search and search and search for one piece, can't find it, give up and search for something else, and you find 5 of the first piece.
I've done the raid a few times and got all the armour multiple times and never a Black Hammer yet. It's just sh!tty luck man.
I got hunter and titan helmet in 2 raids, just proves how RNG works
just luck bro... for me the raid helmet is a guaranteed drop... i have had 11 of them
Dropped for me 2nd run on normal with my titty but can I he'll get it on my warlock !! Keep grinding dude it will come
Gamertag: Fallen Reaper76