Go on and find Zara. Me and Freddy are gonna free this survivor.
"Any leads on where she is?"
*comms* I have no clue. I wasnt paying attention in the debriefing.
Soldier shakes his head. "Man dude, your a robot too. You should have at least been recording the only decent part. Though I get you Mr. Boss is a real jerk."
Yeah man the whole I had to fight busting out laughing.
Soldier laughs. "Dude if that guy died we'd all be happy and the world a way better place. Luckily I don't ever have to deal with him. I just get the rumors."
I know a guy............. Just kidding.
Damn you, Python. ... I'll go look for that area the soldier mentioned, so we can set up a base of operations. Don't die, or I will dig up your corpse and slap the living hell out of your dead body! *Runs*
I ain't worried. *punches zombie so hard his head just disappears*