"Not big enough to crawl through."
Comms: damn...
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. We really screwed up. I'm so sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry." Sobbs.
Comms: shhhh... It's ok, we'll find a way to get to you... Do you have a weapon?
"They gave me a hand gun... with one bullet. I wonder if they were right...."
Comms: no, it won't come to that... Your going to get out alive and your going to survive...
"I just don't deserve it... I helped mass these things... I deserve to die, I don't want to die though."
Comms: you deserve to live.... Save the bullet..
"If they break through the glass.... that's it. The way they look at me. Their smart. They know."
Comms: if they break in... They won't... We're coming...
He's right. As soon as we get to you, you're going to be safe.
"It's not safe anywhere. Their eyes follow me. I can't hear them, but I can... I think, I think I'm running out of oxygen."
Then dont speak. Do you know morse code? If you reply in it, if not dony reply.
Are we taking the vent? *looks back to see you climbing into the vent*
I have to make way to the armory.. It's close to his position... *looks around* *whispers on Comms* clear...
Yeah its to quiet. So I saw the ring on your hand. Who is she?
You remember that woman who shot you on the elevator at rock bottom?
Crystal right?
Yeah her...
Yeah man I saw the way sh- *you here a gunshot then a pump* looked at you.
Comms: what's going on down there?
Just a zombie. *looks closer at body* This guy was head of security. *takes a map and a keycard from the body*
Comms: keep it down... That gunshot might have got some attention....
Ah then I shall use my fisticuffs. Oh yeah I took a map and a keycard from that guy. Armory is about 300 feet away. The survivor is just past that.
Comms: good to know...