"I won't hear you whistle! And be careful there are 12 of the specimen, NOT ZOMBIES, down here. They locked the door on themselves so there could be more outside the room. The room I'm is a glass box. These things are on the outside of the box."
Comms: is there a vent? *looks up*
"Not big enough to crawl through."
Comms: damn...
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. We really screwed up. I'm so sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry." Sobbs.
Comms: shhhh... It's ok, we'll find a way to get to you... Do you have a weapon?
"They gave me a hand gun... with one bullet. I wonder if they were right...."
Comms: no, it won't come to that... Your going to get out alive and your going to survive...
"I just don't deserve it... I helped mass these things... I deserve to die, I don't want to die though."
Comms: you deserve to live.... Save the bullet..
"If they break through the glass.... that's it. The way they look at me. Their smart. They know."
Comms: if they break in... They won't... We're coming...
He's right. As soon as we get to you, you're going to be safe.
"It's not safe anywhere. Their eyes follow me. I can't hear them, but I can... I think, I think I'm running out of oxygen."
Then dont speak. Do you know morse code? If you reply in it, if not dony reply.
Are we taking the vent? *looks back to see you climbing into the vent*
I have to make way to the armory.. It's close to his position... *looks around* *whispers on Comms* clear...
Yeah its to quiet. So I saw the ring on your hand. Who is she?
You remember that woman who shot you on the elevator at rock bottom?
Crystal right?
Yeah her...
Yeah man I saw the way sh- *you here a gunshot then a pump* looked at you.
Comms: what's going on down there?
Just a zombie. *looks closer at body* This guy was head of security. *takes a map and a keycard from the body*
Comms: keep it down... That gunshot might have got some attention....
Ah then I shall use my fisticuffs. Oh yeah I took a map and a keycard from that guy. Armory is about 300 feet away. The survivor is just past that.