The Suros shall rise again! Even though I still use mine lol
Haha I still use mine as well, it's still my favorite weapon. Unfortunately, I just feel so underpowered with it now. What made the SUROS hold an "exotic" status before was that it hit like a truck, but now it feels like it shoots nerf darts....
You are 100% correct my friend. I believe it will hit like a truck again and become a top tier exotic like it is supposed to be.
I hope so, I think it was pretty "balanced" (Bungie-terms haha) before the 1.1.1 nerf. I didn't really see too many people complaining about it, so not really positive why Bungie saw a nerf was necessary. My only guess is that they nerfed its entire weapon class and buffed pulse rifles at the same time so that way it would provide more of an incentive for people to get off autos and try out different weapon classes, pulses in particular. I'm hoping this was just a temporary thing, and they'll restore dmg soon now that people have abandoned autos and have tried other other weapon classes now.
They were a tad bit underpowered before the nerf in my opinion. With pre-nerf Suros I was having a little trouble with exotic hand cannons, now it's exotic hand cannons and exotic pulse rifles.
Valid point, yeah I actually thought handcannons needed to be nerfed before autos anyway. But... BungieLogic... Need I say more? Lol
Nope you've already spoken so much truth lol