I call the [b][i]Suicide Bombers[/i][/b]. What do you call them?
Dingleberry Lazor Faces
I call them DEAD
Don't let the [i][b]thingies[/b][/i] blow up on you
I call the Supplicants.... Lol Other Herps I call Herpies though.
They're still herpes to me
Flying Turd Nuggets
Explosive herpies
Robot -blam!-s
Supplicants. Though i personally refer to them as hurdles, because my way of eliminating them is to Leroy Jenkins charge and leap over them. This causes premature self destruction, then i can laugh at their foolishness.
I call them "what do you call them guys I can't remember—EXPLODING HARPIES WHATEVER" For whatever reason the name slips my mind when we're in the vault of glass lol
Thalor's enemies
I call them kamikazes
Usually I refer to them as this. Ok I'm going to open the portal... Oh sh!!! BOOM! God Dang SUPLICANTS!!!!!!!!!!!
Suicide grunts. My raid team also loves Halo.
Butt hurt thorn haters
Allahu akbars
Edited by FlyinMcFlurry: 5/5/2015 1:09:27 PMSupplic*nts
During the battle, I just call them Harpies because it's a shorter call out. Communication is key.