This better not be spiked with magic Viagra...
May I have one?
Th-I-I-I dont thrink it riz.
Kek *stumbles and pours you a glass* Here youu go... *cheers* Ayyyy!
Caz I h-h-have anotherer uno?
*pours another* *stumbles*
*drinks takes bottle* You know whate? Imma drinky this whole goddamney thing. *begins chugging champagne*
*takes drink* TO THE EMPIRE! *takes another drink* TO PROSPERITY! *takes another drink* TO ME NOT BEING A POLITICIAN ANYMORE BECAUSE I GAVE MY JOB TO SOMEONE ELSE! THEIR GONNA HAVE FUN WITH ALL THIS BULLSHIT! *takes another drink* Damn, toasting/dedication game is strong today...
I ameryrino drunky as fückito
Je drunk as -blam!-é, j'ai tres tres content...
Huh Iv dont understandosjfrux
*stumbles* who'd you give it to? *drinks more*
Wait what are thou talkerin about.
*takes drink* Alondite. He seems good at the peace keeping job, obviously I couldn't handle it if I'm giving it. *is somewhat drunk* Hard job man, keeping you bastards from tearing each other's dicks off.
*stumbles* It's a ha-*hic* It's a hard job *hic*
*slaps your back* Yourerer hicupssssssssss goney yeti?
*stumbles* Oh maaaan.. *hic*
BOOOOOOO! Are they gone yerts?
Iz don't know... *stumbles and almost falls*
Heyso guys passssssssssss merse az beeeeeeeeeeeeeersesese.
Drank moar ma'am.. *is drunk*
Heyso imma guy. Not some biach.
Eyyyyy! *stumbles and falls*
*helps up then throws back down again* Gimmieer beer.
*gets up and pushes you toward the table* Over there... Downt puash meh... *collapses against table*
Eyyyyy! *cheers and passes out*