Naw. Fate of all fools. PRAEDYTH'S Timepiece seems to be pretty rare too!
Fate of all fools is a scout rifel and is unattainable until they release the rest of the exotic bounties.
I've got one but I never use it. I think pretorians foil is just as rare
IKR! 42 Vog hard completions and I havent gotten timepiece yet!
Got timepiece first hard run
Here you go. That's my jealousy. YOU can have that.
Rare and unobtainable are different.
Anytime that is typed, I hear it being said by the dad from drake and josh.......
I would have also excepted White Goodman from "Dodgeball"!
Fate of all fools isn't applicable. Time piece is very rare. I loved mine.