It's the only known faction pulse rifle in the game and it belongs to FWC; it's also only attainable through Engram/Nightfalls/FWC Packages. Most players don't even know it's exists. I currently have only ever seen two, the one I have and another from a random player I met. Anyone else ever manage to get it/ see it as well? Am I missing a more rare gun in the game? Let me know.
Edit: damn, never expected this to be trending! Almost 400 replies!
Fate of all fools
If you have the FWC Auto Rifle...
Fate of all fools. Gift to sick person in hospital from deej. Cough cough.
I've got one with excellent rolls, spray and play, feeding frenzy and perfect balance. Thing is a headshot machine.
I had it but I dismantled it when tdb ce out....great pulse too
I have one and I love it
I have it.
I've had three. Got them from vanguard packages. Also vanguard is a factor so 123 sygzy or whatever is another faction rifle. This topic is dumb.
Had it. Dismantled it. Not rare
I would say praetorian foil
I have one... Sits in the vault
I got one from a nf recently the perks weren't good tho I dismantled it
I had one dismantled it because of shitty roll and didn't know it was "rare"
Even if there was only one in the world, I would've scrapped it. I like Auto rifles
I have one
I scrapped it, if I knew it was so rare I would have kept it :(! But I think praydeths timepeice is much harder to obtain
Praedyths timepiece, thats even rarer (and more useful)
Praetorian Foil
Praetorian Foil would like to have a word with you.
I have an older 300 damage one with third eye, grenadier and field scout.
I got one from nightfall... got dismantled
Ya I like it. Mine holds 42 too
The rarest gun is actually Fate of All Fools
I've got it with the field scout perk. Huge magazine. It's a good gun.
got one a while back from a Valus no burn nightfall
really? it's not that great. i've been awarded it numerous times. no one uses it for a reason. #shotguns4life