I got on this morning after seeing a reddit post for giving away this checkpoint...I said what the hell, let me try and get a gjallarhorn real quick. The only exotic to evade me since launch. Equipped blue rocket launcher, opened chest, BOOM. Hit the lottery.
Anyone else equip them blues?
I just it my Gjallerhorn from Crota. I finished the mission Got shards Went to orbit then BAM!!!! Gjallerhorn! I was using hunger of Crota. So blues don't do anything. Anyway what's the best way to level up my new Gjallerhorn?
One person got a Gjally with a blue equipped, works every single time, confirmed!
"60% of the time is works every time"
It didn't work for me
My friend and I both got exotics from equipping full vog gear and opening the chest.
excuse me *bump
I did exactly 8 somersaults and got a gjallarhorn. Seems legit? [spoiler]you dumb asses. It's all random[/spoiler]
The only way to get it is right before you win or finish you have to yell " show me the gally !!!!! "
Edited by TechRonin: 3/31/2015 3:40:18 PMThe first and only sure fire why to the GHorn is to join a crucible match put you controller down and go make a sandwich. when you return the match will be over and you will have "Earned" your GHorn. The second way is to join other players fireteams to get the checkpoints so you can "Earn" your GHorn. The third and slightly less sure way go to the LFg sites find a nightfall group, the next step is critical, you must follow your teammates and be far enough behind so you are in no danger but close enough to revive someone to prevent a wipe. This only works if you do not get more than 3 kills. Follow these steps and you will have "Earned" your GHorn.
Edited by AllOutWar76: 3/31/2015 3:35:35 PMIf you wear your underwear on the outside of your pants all day and try it at night you will get a gally, it's a 90% chance. Chance bumps up to 95% if they are batman underoos.
Would totally try this if I didn't already have 3 maxed at 331 xD You think If I equip a blue machine gun i can get my 2nd Thunderlord ?
I'v heard this story before... He said he got one from a rare engram and it wasn't on the beta.
Considering you didn't unlock a grimore card from getting it I'm going with fake as hell.
It's RNG... buddy got his 3rd Gjallahorn last night from a Legendary engram. Me? Just shards
I have a fried who only used a blue since day one... Steel Oracles... we gave him crap for it, because it sucks. He never got the ghorn, but did eventually get HoC, thank god...
Used to run vog in blue armour when I was going for the raid gear, changed into it just before loot checkpoints
There was another theory that you have to have all legendaries equipped. Hand cannon sniper and rocket. Any variation and no GHorn. That was debunked when I got mine in the nightfall running scout sniper and machine gun. It's rng.
Look son! Another superstitious VoG chest post...
The guys name is xLeGiT guys. You know this is real
RNG is RNG man.. equipping that blue doesn't change those dice bro :) It's a nice theory though, haha. If only...
That's awesome! Congrats!!
Do you usually get 3 items? On HM I've only ever seen people pull 2. Not saying it's fake, since if it is his timing is phenomenal, more like just pure luck
Awesome glad you got it..
I ran VoG a 3 times last night. On our second attempt the last person to loot the gorgon chest got an exotic. So jokingly we said next time we'll all stand there waiting to go last. We did. Eventually getting bored one by one we looted the chest. Last person got The Last Word!