The problem really lies with the hunter population, as much as I hate to admit it the majority of "buff the hunter" or "rate my hunter" or this classic "titan and warlock supers are OP" (facepalm everytime) come from the narcissists that we know and love. They usually consist of people that think they own the world, that they control the game known as Destiny. Its ridiculous to think that one class population could cause such a turmoil on the forums. Have you ever seen titans or warlocks crowd the forums with spam? Neither have I. Words honestly could not describe the anger I have towards them, I personally cant stand playing with them in a raid or crucible, their "I run the team" attitude is a plague on this community. I propose that hunters take their head out of their ass and realize this game doesnt revolve around them and that everyone contributes, this game is a team effort, theres no room for lonewolves
Please. The most annoying, opinionated, and pushy players are floofers. By far. More than two on a raid team is unbearable. In pvp, they never get killed by a superior opponent. Its always lag, camping, or super spamming that kills them. Maybe even lag switchers. They are the socially inept nerds IRL that find refuge in a virtual world. I used to be just that and can easily spot them a mile away. They resent hunters the same way they resent the more socially outgoing, popular kids IRL. THAT is where the tension comes from.
They're not the class who asks for a buff to golden gun arguably the easiest super to use. (It's not just PVE its PVP too)
Youre agreeing with me right? xD
Lol, no.