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Edited by Boom Shalock: 4/8/2015 3:28:01 PM

The classes are unbalanced in PvP and Hunters are heavily OP (Proof inside!)

I always had the impression, the classes are not well balanced and therefore I went to and did some research. I evaluated several Top-100 rank lists (score, K/D etc.) on their site across all platforms and statistically counted the occuring classes. This is the result as a distribution of classes among the Top 100 lists: [b]63% - Hunters 23% - Titans 14% - Warlocks[/b] This leaves two conclusions: 1. Good players play Hunters. 2. Hunters are the most powerful class concerning the Crucible. Personally I doubt 1, at least in with this numbers. Hunters are the most played class, but the distribution in pure played classes is somehow like 38:31:31 (H:T:W). How would you interpret these numbers? edit: It's typical for these forums, how you get attacked and flamed if you open hypothesis like this. Don't get me wrong, kids, I'm not calling for a nerf or anything. I just want to discuss the numbers. And I expect Bungie to do a decent retrospective in the classes balance! edit2: It's interesting to see, how nobody seems to care about this thread but the the Hunter fanboys, who solely come in to cry and tell me to stop crying and to stop to critic their beloved Hunter. This community is really immature and childish. edit3: A lot of people start to argue with class skills or player skills, but can we please reduce to the numbers I posted and you can try explaining them?

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    It's the warlock, nova bomb kills all. Sunsinger holds 2 one shot nads, or you can use the fire bolt nad and throw two and kill three people at once :/

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    • Talking Clash..... A lot of people downplaying the Hunter's super as a big differentiator in overall K/D..... In a typical match, a given player will have 2-3 supers so for a hunter this is 8-12 one shot kill opportunities. A decent hunter will convert at least 75% of these opportunities into kills. I think it's fair to say 10 kills from 3 hunter supers is not horribly rare to see. Titans/Warlocks just do not get afforded the same total kill opportunities per super (getting 10+ kills with 3 fist of havoc in one game is pretty rare). Again talking Clash here where you don't have 5 idiots standing next to each taking control points..... Let's say the average hunter gets 4 more kills per game from supers than the avg titan/lock.... So Titans/Locks out there, add 4 kills to your score every game and I bet your K/D starts looking pretty good. If you really care enough about your KD then go make a hunter, despite the noise, they really do have the best PvP supers for KD and it's not close. For the record, I use defender bubble in control so my super LITERALLY gives me no kills. There is value in this super that isn't measured by K/D.

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    • Edited by aem: 4/2/2015 12:50:52 AM
      Look at any game that has "roles" in them; guild wars, Diablo, MOBAs, etc. Guess what class is chosen the most? The hunter, the demon hunter, the ranger, the "carry", the guy who thinks he'll be able to be that "DPS" guy. Even BloodBorne what do you play as? A hunter. Most people wants to be "that guy." Hell I started a hunter and decided to to delete it knowing myself to play the same class[b]all the time[/b]. For D3 I only main a demon hunter. For Guild Wars 2? rogue or ranger. To me, this idea has been engrained from the beginning of all games that have these "roles" if you like it or not, but strength is defeated by agility, agility is defeated my intellect, and intellect is defeated by strength. It has always been that "rock, paper, scissors" concept, no matter how much they don't call it that. People will play what they want to play. People will geared toward ye familiar. Hunter is what's most familiar to (most of) us. Cry whatever. But we already know, destiny as a FPS, MMO (first M being, minuscule), whatever the fck you want to call it, it's PVP competitiveness can never be up to par with other competitive games. For FPS? Imo it's old counter strike.

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    • The way that I see it is that the "good" players and/or who heavily play crucible see that there's a big advantage to being a hunter and therefore use it more generally. The hunter's supers both are 2 of the 3 that can be used continually (the other being that of the Sunsinger subclass), granting more freedom to get kills. The gunslinger can get a maximum of 3-4 kills and the user can run around while using it. Not to mention how accurate the golden gun is with the right amount of experience/skill with it. The bladedancer can more or less have a nearly indefinite amount of kills until they run out of energy. Also the fact that the user can take more hits, run around more quickly, and the lunge with the blade covers a lot of ground helps to justify usage. (The sunsinger can do things similarly to these, but they are restricted to all the base things that the player has with the exception of being able to spam grenades and revive themselves, but they can easily be killed with preparation and being able to see it coming) These supers definitely permit more freedom than most of all the other classes and are likely viewed as more useful by more PvP-centric players. That's just speculation though. Not attacking PvP players or hunters at all.

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    • These stupid posts again?!! How dumb do u have to be to not notice why ppl like using hunters?! If you're going to talk about supers only being a cause for imbalance then you're already a huge idiot

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    • Correlation is not causation. I'd argue both points ad infinitum. It's not that they're overpowered... They just jump like normal people.

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      3 Replies
      • The Crucible is the Hunter's domain. Respect to any outsiders who hold their own.

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      • Edited by Dookie Monster: 4/1/2015 5:42:38 PM
        [quote][/quote]Systems Status: Online Scanning Thread... Scanning... Scan Complete. Thread Status: Slowly Dying OP: Butthurt/Troll/fgt/Clueless Thread Posts: Against OP System Status: Abandoned Thread F[b][/b]ucks Given: None

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        • Edited by PallMall92: 4/1/2015 7:38:38 AM
          I won't even read your shit ass post! Hunters are NOT OP at all, every class has got that one ability which is kinda unfair for -blam!-s sake. Everybody is complaining all the time. Hunter: invisibility/blink Lock: radiance/blink Titan: shoulder charge/fist of panic [b]NO more -blam!-ing explanations needed. Nerf this, nerf that.. Kids like you ruin Destiny[/b]

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          12 Replies
          • Lol the hunters where the most hyped class before relase. So most day ones chose hunters. Day ones are usually more competitive than others so hunters are the top competitive class

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          • Actually I thought your post was a relatively well thought out formative analysis, and in that regard I would tend to agree with you purely empirically though. Which is of course mainly based in the Crucible only. However, I tend to disagree somewhat, in that they are marginally OP and 'generally' (not exclusively) used by people who like to spam Arc-Blade as well as extend that shit well beyond normal realms of reasonability. Then again, you give a V/W Warlock Obs^Mind + Bad-Juju = a maelstrom of bad-ass-ness. I've not read any other posts yet, although generally speaking the Warlock class is perhaps the most versatile of the 3 classes, which is NOT to say better or superior in any way...merely their flexibility has used due to their lack of speciality. Yet that mainly refers to PVE and not PVP. Invariably though I can see this going down quickly into the realms of "hey F@#% you...Hunter Master Race Yo" type of direction if one is but to look at the majority of posts, additionally this is an unfortunate let down for those who wish to have a higher level of discussion. This should be an interesting debate/ that has been beaten like so many dead horses, we could make dog food for the redneck republican elites lol - j/k.

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          • It's not the class it's the players.

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          • Dear Bungie, please nerf Rock, Paper is fine. Sincerely, Scissors.

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            • Ok, let's face it. It's not the game, it's you. The classes are balanced, but there's players that are just better than you. Suck it up, brush it off, and try harder. Admitting this will help you become better in the game. Instead of getting angry and blaming "op" try learning to overcome it.

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              2 Replies
              • I looked at my crucible kill stats and hunters are almost twice as many killed by me as warlocks and least amount of kills is titans. Now I dont know if this means hunters are easier to kill and titans harder but it seems theres definitely a higher amount of hunters running around the crucible

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              • Don't claim proof inside then call it a hypothesis

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              • Sniper headshot can ohko a blade dancer or golden gun user

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              • Classes shouldn't be "balanced", it will lead to boring classes because there would be no differences other than cosmetic ones. Look at WoW, it used to be so much fun to play(especially as a Rogue...) but now all the classes feel pretty much the same, and it's boring as hell.

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                • I have all three characters and I do good with all three classes. my kd is shit since my brother sucks at destiny but wants to play cruiclbke a lot so I let him use all my characters. usually I play the worst with my hunter.

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                • Edited by CarterShelby: 4/1/2015 5:40:59 PM
                  Warlocks are op, hunters are more flexable and Titans smash. Warlock melee puts them in op status. Not only is the range ridiculous but they get shielded for another 100 points of dmg. Most people play hunter cause it's super offers the most flexibility of all classes. Hunters are the easiest to kill during super animations and while super is active. If you feel like you are being outclassed, try Titan. The fist of havoc is basically a fail safe that kills and allows the player to keep on rolling into combat. Good luck.

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                • DestinyTracker's ranking system is crap.. It favors people who play more and not those who are better.. Even k/d isn't a good judge of skill since there's so much more to a match than just k/d.. My system of Score Per Death (S/D) is a far better system.. It also needs to be scored for each different gametype.

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                • So because there are more hunters they are op? Seems legit. [spoiler]ur an idiot[/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by Torus: 4/1/2015 4:42:52 PM
                    As someone who mains a hunter and made a warlock just to mess around in the crucible i have to say that IMO warlocks are the best PvP class. Their power of their melee abilitys, grenades and Supers makes them a much better overall PvP class. Sure hunters are a good PvP class but just because they have decent PvP supers does not make them OP by any means.

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                    • Edited by I2edShift: 4/1/2015 4:57:34 PM
                      *sigh* Your evidence is lacking, as is your logic. Warlocks have way better Grenades, melee attacks, and a pair of great Supers.

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                      • Shut up Meg.

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                      • Hunters are made to kill. Titans are made to defend and support. Warlocks are made to wear dresses.

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