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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Sgt Beta: 3/29/2015 10:45:25 PM

Jurassic park and destiny Easter egg?

Now I could be completely wrong, or completely late on this, but I think I found something interesting. During the nexus strike the one place has a similar sounding name amongst it's science labs. Known as "n/gen branch" Jurassic park had a similar branch called "ingen" I believe pronounced "n-gen" Destiny - "n/gen" Jurassic park - "ingen" Ingen made the Dino's I believe, maybe n/gen research the dragon like creatures, akhamarha??? Spelling is wrong. Am I wrong? Should I hAve researched first to see if it's old or wrong? Who's excited for the new Jurassic world??? I am.

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