*snarls EXOHUNTERXL engaged 1 demon located, demon conquerer available*
You have to stop this it's unacceptable to befriend someone if you're going to abuse them
*goes to use demon longsword then suddenly shuts down eyes go blank and body goes limb falling onto the ground motionless muttering words* its... Because... Of him...
*puts hand on your chest* Yes I know but a enemy could be a misunderstood friend
*eyes go blank and body goes limb exo hunter syro sleep activated, system refresh and clean-up in progress*
You better be fine after this or I'm putting a crater in my head
(1:23:45:001 till clean-up and refresh is complete)
That's far too long for me to wait *draws Ebony and very slowly lift her to my head*
Would you like to speed up the process? (AI speaking)
Can you?
Alternative but 2 memory files are detected: Glaciem 10000000gbs of memory and classified 12909000900000231000gbs of memory which one would you choose?
*copies classified files into an obsidian orb* Keep glaciem
Warning classified files are not ordinary files, it is a character this exowolf can login to and be
What are they exactly
Would you like me to read the classified information?
The one you knew glaciem was a file too but a newer one, the classified file was the file in his previous life
What was he in a previous life?
He was a highly advanced soldier specifically built to kill, has the ability to shape to any creature and is not affected by bullets or blades, security network is highly advanced, little room for emotions most of the memory is taken up by training and his old team want any further data?
Can I get a copy of the data to analyze it later?
It might have to big of a GB size will your storage device stand the data? It is very important data... If it was used inbtge wrong hands it could lead to galaxy destruction
Edited by Forlorn Crow: 3/28/2015 7:33:05 PMYes I'm sure my storage device can store the data in fact it can take maybe 10 times more
Ok plant storage device on the exo wolf's chest and the file maybe copied
*places hellish obsidian orb on glaciems chest*
May I make a suggestion(AI still speaking)
What is it? *removes obsidian orb*
Why don't we see how the classified file does, I haven't scanned it, it was in a different time when I did not exist, if it does well I would like to see how he computes to this environment