I assure you that it was. Borderlands 2 NA release September 2012. It was a great game. Well worth playing if you hadn't before. Maybe even worth playing again if you had. It's not my place to say. Pre - sequel was not very good. In the future don't asssure me about things that you don't know. Especially information that's easily found. It makes any other points you make difficult to take seriously. Now take that advice, apply it, and carry out the business of your day. Dismissed.
Pre-Sequel was released in 2014 but okay... It's funny how you think you know what you're talking about, trying to push your false facts on me when I bought the game on release lol... But okay... Now I can understand if you're talking about Borderlands 2 but I am not talking about Borderlands 2. And you're still being an asshole but whatever.
I clearly stated Borderlands 2. Don't sweat the hurt feelings just do better next time. Peace and love to you.
I clearly stated Pre-Sequel Lmaooo
Agree to disagree?
I don't even know what you're talking about. Since I started talking to that other guy I was talking about Pre-Sequel and you came in my conversation talking about Borderlands 2 for whatever reason.
Okay. Clarification then. The Handsome Collection (recently released for NG consoles) includes Borderlands 2 as well as the Pre-sequel. There is a lot of (good) old content there. The question was if you had gotten your money's worth from that content given how long ago most of it was originally released (2012/13). You said that you did and still were (congratulations). You are still playing the Pre-sequel (for some reason) and enjoy it. But it you've finished Borderlands 2 (and DLC) and are still playing the Pre-sequel, why would you even consider the Handsome Collection? And, how would it draw you away from Destiny any more than it ostensibly already is?
I said nothing about the Handsome Collection I am obviously strictly talking about Pre-Sequel... And I did not buy the collection but probably will so I may have all the Borderlands on new gen because I love all the Borderlands games. Tons of content, tons of playtime, tons of story, weapons, skill trees to try out, plenty of characters to try... Need I continue? Lol