I don't know if anyone realizes this, but there is a Crucible strategy that involves 4 Titans with the Crest of Alpha Lupi all making bubbles.
I believe this is an exploit because it takes advantage of the general stupidity of the other team. Instead of ignoring the bubbles, capping unprotected zones and picking off the Defenders from range when they step out of their shells, teams invariably run like bugs to a zapper at the bubbles which creates infinite orbs for the other team!
This is unacceptable.
I propose that before any player can join a crucible match, they need to pass some kind of psychological exam to show they're not a completely incompetent lemming who can't reformulate strategies on the fly.
It's time to nerf stupidity, buff strategy and create a new golden age of personal accountability!
I expect this to be a top priority in a future update. Thank you for your time.
Try bursting the bubble with Golden Gun, Fist of Havoc, or Nova Bomb.