Come on now bungie employees I have 1600 hours invested into this game. I have been playing since day 1 and every reset I do all my crota and atheon raids on all 3 lvl 32 characters and all my weekly heroics and nightfalls. After that the rest of my week is filled with helping other guardians achieve their goal at beating crota and atheon on hard and doing all their weekly heroics and nightfalls. With that being said all week and since hard crota has dropped I have been getting screwed. Like I mentioned up top I have 1600 hours invested into this game I am a day 1 release gamer and after the reset EVERY WEEK once I finish all my raids and weekly's I do nothing but help other people only to get screwed repeatedly I see NOOBS 2 DESTINY with only 200, 300 or 400 hours getting multiple CRUX OF CROTA drops only for me not to get even one. Whats the deal? I even took it upon myself to write ur headquarters in washington a 2 page letter stating how people like me with 1600 hours plus are tired of getting the shaft and these NOOBS 2 DESTINY getting the glory of the CRUX. if u care send me one to the postmaster or atleast let one drop this week for me during the reset. I have lost lots of friends over this very matter because as soon as I help them (which they need it) and they get it they wanna boast and brag in my face stating they only have such and such hours and look at me with 1600 hours and I haven't gotten even one. Come one destiny write me back let me know something I put my heart and soul into your game and expect you to do the same when it comes to your cuatomers concerns. Step it up already if u agree bump this thread folks.
Honestly, championing game hours stands equivalently, on life's little achievement ladder, like saying your a lifelong crack addict. I know we all grind and generate a tremendous amount of time wasted, logged onto this unrewarding game. Bragging about it's life depleting aspect, as though you should appear like some gamer god to us peon readers, is entirely a whole other step towards the loser hemisphere, where you shouldn't want to dwell. Just saying. Yearning for the crux of Crota, while neglecting simple social needs is completely unhealthy. Time to take a walk outside, spring is here and the real world is beautiful.