One fine evening, Jim was walking down the street when he started to question life. What was he doing? Was he doing the same thing every day over and over repeatedly? As these thoughts were stirring in his mind a box came flying out of nowhere conveniently hitting Jim right is the face. He was intrigued by this mysterious box and vowed to open. The first attempt was simple, go home and grab some scissors. Obviously that failed for it would end the story too quickly. The second attempt was prying it open with a crowbar. It seemed the box was made out of metal or some other unbreakable substance. After many more failed attempts involving cars, sledgehammers, and ultimately explosives, Jim concluded he would devote his life to opening the box. It gave him something that he wanted, change in his life. Also his life now had meaning. Jim knew whatever was is the crappy run down cardboard box must be absolutely incredible. Jim thought really hard about what the most OP thing that every existed is. He decided to steal a hive boomer from a hive knight in the depths of the hellmouth. He teamed up with a crew to defeat a knight and to collect a boomer. Once he had accomplished this he arrived back home where he was lining up his aim with the box because he couldn't wait any longer. Anxiety would kill him. His hands were shaking so much because of excitement that he dropped the boomer on the box. The boomer broke and so did Jim. As he was crying he noticed the box opened slightly. He walked up and slowly opened the box seeing ...................
A real life leprechaun!
Jim could then die a happy man.