I cut off my own arm, stick it in a blender and cover the outside of the box in my arm bits and juices. I then throw it at a horde of zombies and wait for them to rip it apart?
The zombies find your new puppy inside the box....
Oh nooooooo. Noooo!!!! NOOO!!! NOT MY PUPPY!!!!!!!! *Cries*
There's a still a chance to save it! Hurry!
*Goes to pick up a nearby machete.. trips and falls on the machete slicing off my other arm* Fcck. *Barrell rolls into the zombies feet slightly throwing them off balance as I look over at the puppy.* Get out of here!!! *Puppy comes and licks my face instead as the zombies regain focus on us.* [spoiler]Puppy and Dawg eaten alive by zombies.[/spoiler]
Sad ending.