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originally posted in: Art Hub
Edited by Sandtrap: 3/26/2015 6:46:07 PM
Something else I worked on a little while back. I'm particularily proud of this fight scene I wrote. I don't usually write fight scenes too often but I'm happy to see that they're on par with everything else that I write. I wrote it from two perspectives of two different characters during a simultaneous fight. Again. Maybe I write too much or this site supports too little. Will break it up into chunks. [spoiler]Snow and ice faded, giving way to vast stretches of forest, as the air warmed and the two traveled in the shadow of the mountains now, happily free of nights spent in cold and snow, now less worried about the freezing cold that gnawed on them in the nights. Since then Elise had grown more comfortable with Carver, and was always curious. For once, Carver was a bit of a tour guide on the journey, pointing things out to her and answering Elise’s endless curiosity. None the less a journey was still a journey. Carver never spoke much unless spoken to and silence often passed the time by. Silence was Carver’s friend and enemy. Silence meant the forges weren’t going. The feeling of swinging his instruments was absent. He was glad he’d brought his old friend along. Even just having it in his presence was good. But there were other worries than just old habits and routines. While Elise never ate or slept, Carver’s supplies were dwindling. They’d either have to trap something, or, gods forbid, travel the well-known roads to an encampment or village. In the silence of thinking about it, Elise was incredibly hard to work with if he was going to trap anything. Her armour clinked and made too much noise. And even then, Carver didn’t have time to wait for something to catch his snares. So it was with furrowed brows and a sigh along the roads that he decided they’d make for a settlement. It was a good thing that York had paid for Carver’s services. And better that he had given the gold to Elise. He had no care for coin and would have probably lost it by now. The forest grew thicker now, dense and packed over the sparse, snow covered pine of the mountains. Thick blankets of moss and ferns were beginning to appear and the old footpath was suddenly rather absent, the trail being oppressed by the thick trees around them. Carver remembered the way. Through these woods and this expanse, the forest would eventually thin out to wide plains. That was the destination. An old farming community. But for now the shadow of the mountains loomed over them on the old path. Carver’s eyes watched the forest as the two traveled, following the footpath alongside a shallow river and crossing it through some points. Carver didn’t like this. They were being watched. As the trail began to widen, Carver’s suspicions held true. The trail was wide for a reason. Carver slowed his pace and started walking alongside Elise. “So. Elise. Your suit’s battered. Patchwork and scars. Armour never looks like that unless it’s gone through fights. You know how to fight?” Elise turned her helmet. “Father taught me hand to hand combat extensively.” Carver nodded. “Because you don’t have to worry so much about weapons anymore right?” Carver winked, looking ahead down the road, hoping Elise would catch it. Elise’s helmet turned as she looked down the widening path. “Oh! Mister Carver. Do you know how to fight?” Carver chuckled. “Front lines were never any place for an old smith.” Through the ferns of the forest and alongside the shallow river, Carver caught something. Four legs, moving fast. Galloping. No. Pawing. Claws. Carver inhaled deeply, his hand resting on the hilt of his hammer. Ferns and plant growth exploded beside him and a large creature bashed into Carver, sending him flying off the trail and tumbling down the small gulley down towards the river. Elise had no time to turn as shouts and war cries could be heard. Through the growth of ferns and trees men stepped out, clad in the remnants of old clothes, sporting animal skins for clothing and adorning layers of bones in patchwork armour. Elise was surrounded from all sides as they brandished weapons, either traditional steel or more patchwork assemblies of bones. The ring of robbers boxed her in but didn’t attack, as one lone man, decorated in feathers and more ornate bones, skulls both Human and animal approached. Judging by the paint on his face and across bones this man was someone of importance. Through the visor of her helmet Elise spotted a sword in his hand. But it was no ordinary sword. It was…..a fencing sword? Her gauntleted fists curled and raised as the man approached her with his weapon drawn. The man smiled coyly, almost laughing. “An old man and an escort. A knight with no weapons but her fists.” The man spread his arms wide and spun on the spot, laughing as the crowd surrounding Elise laughed as well. “Truly, escort services today must be in a bit of a slum. That or we’re just robbing the poorest bloke in the land!” The man continued to laugh as Elise stepped forward with her gauntlets still raised. “Don’t you talk about mister Carver like that!” The man turned on Elise, still with a smile as his brows raised. The men surrounding her were doing nothing but laughing. The man kept his sword drawn but made no attempts of attacking Elise. “Are you serious? You must be out of your mind!” The man shook his head, looking around to the assembled crowd surrounding him. He turned his back on Elise once more. “Is she crazy or what!?” Elise stopped in her tracks. She needed to do something. Carver needed help. Bringing her gauntlets up to her helmet, Elise unfastened the straps holding it to her armour, removing her helmet and holding it in one hand. Father had taught her hand to hand but she had since discovered that her own body could be used in unique ways. Rearing her arm back she took aim, whipping her arm sideways as she let her helmet fly, watching as it curved through the air and struck the man in the back of the head at full speed. The man dropped to the dirt like a sack of rocks and suddenly the crowd around her went silent. [/spoiler]

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