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3/26/2015 12:07:36 AM
I'm torn I would I love to give this game a go high score. I put many hours into it and pissed my wife off a few different times playing it instead of hanging out with her but it doesn't matter if you played 50 hrs or 500 everyone hits the wall of "well what do I do now" I hit wall when dying light came out . It was fun, different, and a change of pace. I kept playing destiny once or twice a week to do the weekly missions..After dying light I jumped back into gta5 then the walking dead now resident evil and I found my self not playing destiny well over a month now and honestly I don't honk I'll go back till at least comet if then. I love destiny and got well worth my money but the replay value that once excited me so much I'd take personal days on Tuesday just isn't there anymore

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