their is nothing in major league sports team that say someone can't join just they wont get contracts because they arn't good at said sport totally different. once again there will never be no harassment as long as people have opinions but you are exaggerating how many females are harassed i have played and befriended many female gamers all saying they have never been treated that way. i am saying within destiny there is no privilege so that has nothing to with create a group within this game. its clear you cant see the errors in you ways have a nice day
;) k mate
also you wink is harassing me
Well I thought your original post was harassing. & your lack of grammar has offended me as well. Bye!
not mates sorry
Take your discrimination complaint to Bungie. They had a community focus on Dames of destiny. Another female only group, which u probably already know. If Bungie doesn't consider it discrimination, neither should you. Or else feel free to stop playing their game and interacting with this community. You are acting like women did before we had equal rights. Welcome to 2015. Nuff said.