[This group has been deleted]
Howdy all, thanks for letting me join. Feel free to add me. I'm looking forward to getting to know you guys.
Also, I'm in the EST (East coast USA).
Welcome! I play Mondays and Tuesdays now and on the weekends. I am Central zone so I usually show up about an hour later than the rest of the EST guys. Feel free to add me as well Khayyal1989.
Welcome!! I'm EST as well! Feel free to add mwheeler3.
I'm east coast JAYMANX7
Welcome! Add me PSN: JED-1300 Usually I'm on week nights after 8:30 PM CST. Weekends (Thursday night to Saturday) I may drop in more depending on what my schedule looks like. Casual player, mediocre at it - but having lots of fun! Great group of folks here too!